// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 //

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hiraeth - part thirty-eight


       A soft knock on Y/n's door roused her from her sleep, blinking her eyes as she adjusted to the light that tried to seep in through her closed curtains. She groaned as she sat up, pulling herself free from the Supreme Kai's surprisingly tough grip on her. Y/n also discovered he was an extremely heavy sleeper, as she had woken up multiple times during her rest trying to free herself from his iron grip. Not even shoving him onto the hard wood floor seemed to faze him.

Making her way toward the door as she heard the knocking again, Y/n fixed her hair as best as she could with her fingers before sliding the door open. Before her was Kibito, who looked quite annoyed at her.

"Finally, it's rude to keep a Kai waiting that long." Kibito said, causing Y/n to roll her eyes. Kibito cleared his throat as he held his hands behind his back, straightening out his back. "It has been some time since we've seen the Supreme Kai. Would you happen to have any idea where he may be?"

Y/n yelped as a bright blush covered her face, nervous. She didn't want to tell anyone, especially not Kibito, that she had slept with Shin. And the fact that he was still in her bed was causing her heart to thump wildly in her chest.

"N-Nope, he's probably off doing... Supreme Kai stuff, wh-which I don't know anything about, so I don't know where he's—" Y/n was cut off as the Old Kai peeked around Kibito, a grin on his face as he pointed inside Y/n's little home.

"Is that him I see in your bed over there?" He asked teasingly, making Y/n gasp as she whipped around. Her house was tiny, so the mat she slept on was nearly fully visible from the front door. Y/n huffed, glaring at them in embarrassment as she slammed her door shut.

After that, Y/n spent a while trying to wake Shin up. Once she had finally succeeded, Shin cleaned himself up before going out. As they stepped outside, Y/n begged him not to go see the others, to which he simply looked at her in confusion.

"Why do you not want to see them—?" Shin was cut off by a teasing laugh from Old Kai as he and Kibito approached them.

"You naughty Supreme Kai! I can't believe you!" The Old Kai exclaimed, grinning. Shin raised a brow, but before he could question the Old Kai, Kibito spoke up.

"Supreme Kai! What you've done is highly inappropriate, and I'm afraid I can no longer allow you to train this mortal!" Kibito said. He scoffed, looking away in disgust. "Ugh, and in our sacred land of all places, it's demoralizing."

"What are you talking about?" Shin asked, but before he could receive an answer, Y/n groaned, hissing at them.

"It wasn't like that, you perverts. Shin just wanted to try sleeping with me," Y/n tried to explain, but the Old Kai cut in with a chuckle.

"What type of sleeping? I bet that's why you both were so tired earlier!" The Old Kai said. Y/n growled, clenching her fists as she flushed in embarrassment. It took Shin a moment, but when it clicked in his brain what they were assuming, his face turned a deep shade of purple.

"N-No! It wasn't like that, I promise! I asked Y/n to show me what sleeping was like!" Shin exclaimed, covering his face as he whined. Kibito huffed, placing his hands behind his back.

"Supreme Kai, you don't need to lie to me. I know how these devious mortals are, deceiving you and tricking you into engaging in coitus with her. I cannot be faltered by their ways, and so shall take over training the mortal until Whis arrives to retrieve her." Kibito said. Shin's face turned a completely darker shade of purple as he whined, struggling to form any thought or argument out of embarrassment. He felt Y/n place a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at her in surprise.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now