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"Jisung honey, It's time to wake up!"

The sounds of Jisung's mom softly calling him to wake up from downstairs make his eyes pop open. *wow, it's pretty early* Jisung looked at the clock, it read 5:30AM. *Why so early?* He thought to himself.

Swiftly putting on his clothes for the day, he heard his mom call once more from downstairs, "Oh and I forgot to tell you, instead of 9:00, this school starts at 7:30."

"Thanks for telling me." He called back.

That explains why she woke him up at this time, but it still did seem a bit early for 7:30 classes. Jisung ran down the stairs in a rush to make sure he had everything he needed for the first day. There was no way he was going to humiliate himself in front of a ton of strangers by forgetting his books. "Here sweetie I made you breakfast."

Sweetly, Jisungs mom handed him a plate of warm, delicious smelling chocolate chip pancakes. He wasn't hungry but accepted them anyways, "Thanks mom!"

"No problem sweetie."

Jisung didn't realize how hungry he was as he took the first bite of the fluffy, sweet pancakes that were the textures of pillows.

"Mom I think I'll walk to school today." Jisung said, afraid he might get bullied being seen with his mom. "But you don't even know the way there?" His mom chuckled.

"Well.. I guess your right."
"I'll just drive you to school today okay?"

"Okay." He tried to sound excited but he really wasn't. At his last school the kids would bully him because he didn't have a car yet. His mom did have a lot of money so there was no reason for him not to have a car.

*I guess it's better to be safe than sorry*

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 (WWT)|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now