WWT 26

56 2 0



Minho ran as fast as he could to the other end of the court.


He held his hands up, waving for the ball while he was wide open. He wasn't going to yell or it would draw attention to him.


The crowd cheered

Seungmin threw the ball like a baseball across the court. A blazing pain ran through Minho's hands when he caught the ball, the impact of it probably jamming a few of his fingers.


A defender from the other team dashed over to guard Minho. Minho just smirked and pretended to shoot, making the person run to the basket.


Minho's breath hitched as he dribbled back to the three point line and threw the ball up, everyone tensing.

His team was loosing by two, if this went it they would move up to finals.


The buzzer rang throughout the gym...

The ball swished in the hoop, making the crowd go absolutely wild, loud cheers and chants were heard from the bleachers.

Hyunjin waved his hands up in the air, holding up three fingers on each to flex Minho's winning shot.

Minho giggled softly when his teammates skipped over to him to congratulate his basket.

Usually this basket would go unnoticed but because it was the winning shot he got lots of credit.

"Gather in the corner of the gym!"

Their coach shouted, the team following him.

"Great game, 49 to 51, amazing shot at the end Minho!" Minho smiled cheerfully and accepted his coach's fist bump.

It felt so good to receive recognition from people to Minho.

But he couldn't really focus,

His eyes were drawn to Jisung all the way across the gymnasium , he was talking to another guy that looked about their age.

Minho's eyes darkened slightly, even from this far away, he could still see Han's soft blush on his cheeks.

Minho couldn't give more or less of a shit if Jisung fucked around with his friends, because he knew Jisung would always be his. But...the way Jisung looked at the boy, it made his blood boil.

"Bitch stand up."

Minho blinked quickly and looked up to see the rest of his team standing in a circle, waiting for him so they could do their team cheer.


He laughed nervously and hopped up, putting his hand in the middle with the rest of his team.


Minho yelled as loud as possible, his voice cracking in the process, making everyone else laugh.


Minho chuckled at the end and walked over to Hyunjin and Felix, grabbing his water bottle and bag.

"Bro what was that?" Hyunjin said between laughs.

"FaLnS oN ThReE"

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 (WWT)|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now