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"Hello?" Jisung opened his eyes slightly to see Minyeon standing in front of his hospital bed.


"We were looking at your records and they look pretty good. We will have to give you one more check up before you leave but hopefully, you are expected to leave today!" Jisung wanted to scream in excitement but then he remembered that he would just have to go back to school to see that stupid Felix, Bangchan, and... Lee Know

I wonder how he is right now, Jisung shook his head. Don't think about him, it's not like he's ever going to be nice to you anyways, he's friends with Felix and Bangchan....

Minyeon spoke, "why we get you all started so you can get home as quick as possible." Jisung nodded, eager to escape this prison like building.


"Where's Jisung?"
Bangchan was furious, they had knowone to toy around with because Jisung couldn't be bothered to come to school for the past 2 days. "How am I supposed to know?" Felix snapped back, sharply.

They both looked at Minho, but he kept himself still and convincing. "What do you want me to do, it's not like I know where he is either!"
Even though he knew exactly where Jisung was, he didn't want to lose his good friends. "Hey Chan,"Bangchan looked up from his phone, "you have his number , right?"

"Oh, um yeah I do, but I don't think calling him is going to help things..."

Lee Know stood there, not joining the conversation. But then Felix spoke up, "Lee Know,"


Minho replied, nervous.

"Where were you last night?" Felix questioned him. Minho laughed as if the question was a joke, but neither of the two laughed. "Actually, where we're you?" Bangchan asked. "Guys, what do you mean?.." Minho asked, trying to laugh to set a less conflicting vibe. Felix raised one of his eyebrows, his face grew into a menacing frown. "I was at my house!" Minho yelled at the two, annoyed that the wouldn't drop the topic. "Yeah right, we came to your house and guess what," Bangchan paused before continuing. "the house was empty."

Felix let out a small gasp and looked Bangchan, who lifted an eyebrow in response. Felix moved slightly closer to him and whispered in his ear. Until Felix finished, Bangchan was emotions less. Felix pulled back and Bangchan gave him a look that read I know. Minho felt a shudder go through his body. They can't know , if they know they would stop talking to me altogether, and I don't want to lose them. Even though Minho knew they were toxic, they were the only people he had besides his family.

"You were at Yeji's house, admit it"

Damn, I forgot she even existed. Lee Know thought to himself as he felt his eyebrows raise in surprise to the well left behind name mentioned by Chan. "I-i" Minho tried to defend himself but couldnt come up with words to express what he was trying to say. "Listen, until now, I honestly forgot that Minchae even existed, and besides, why would I even want to come in contect with that bastard ever again?"

Lee Know barely even heard he said, he was scared that Bang chan and Felix would find out that he was helping Jisung to the hospital last night, his throat went dry as Felix spoke up,

"Sure, but that still doesnt explain why your house was empty last night."

"How did you guys even get in?"

"Never mind that," Chan added ,"Where, were you,"

Minho searched the back of his head for anything that could help him in this conversation.
I got it!, Ill just tell them I had family dinner! Lee Know started his sentance feeling clever, but as he finished, he could tell Chan and Felix wern't having it.
"Guys relax," He laughed, "I was just having dinner with my family."

Bang Chan and Felix shot eachother a look before Felix proceeded to add to the argument. "Yeah fucking right, dumbass, your family lives on the other side of the country." Lee Know completely forgot about that.

Well what the fuck am  I supoused to say now, Lee Know though to himself, he finially came to the conclusion that he would have to tell the truth, or else he would be next in line for a nice little gathering behind the school with Chan and Felix. "Guys," Felix quickly looked up at Lee Know, obviously desprate for an answer to end this debate. Lee Know continued on, " look, I know I wasn't supoused to do this but I couldn't let it happen so I-"


The school bell rang loudly throughout the school before Minho could finish his sentance.
"So you what?" Chan spat out, angry. Both students stared at him expextently.
"Guys, I have to go to class... bye!"

Minho started running down the hall before he could even start the word 'bye' out of fear that Chan would hit him if he stood there any longer.

Just on time, thank God I got out of there when I did. Lee Know looked up and searched the hallway for his class number on the wooden doors. Oh shit, of course I go the wrong way. He thought, just as he was about to start running down the hallway to his class, he decided he didnt need to rush. it didnt really matter if he was a few minutes late to class. So rather than rushing down to his class, he took his time to pace through the shiny hallways. As a relaxed Minho was pacing the hallway, thoughts of Jisung popped up in his head. About how pretty he was, and how easy he gave in. Minho started to think, I can't imagine how easy it would to pull him for a kiss if he gives in to meeting behind a school so easily. He smirked slightly before stopping infront of his class door. He looked over, Meh, two minutes isnt that bad, he thought. "Lee Minho, there you are," his teacher began. "You're two minutes late, but since it's only the second day of school, I'll let it slide, just don't let it happen again alright?" Lee Know nodded and took a seat next to Ahri, a new kid.

I just hope Chan and Felix won't bother me so much so I can go check on Jisung

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 (WWT)|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now