Today is filled with working out exercises and other shit like that.
I get headphones out my phone some shorts and a tank top.
I put some arm warmers on cause it is kinda cold ;)
I get some Nike socks on and some random shoes I found.
I bought them yesterday so.
I think there cute.
I get a water bottle and run out the house to go for a jog or a run whatever u can call it.
He runs around the block alot from 10-12:30 so yeah fit boy
Im so tired rn im going to sue everything.
I get back to the house and start on the punching bag and the workout.
I just had random music going on with a few water bottles around the garden.
Im in the back yard as the front one is so embarrassing don't even.
My brother is 20 and works at home with a office job being an accountant,he just does files and sheets google docs anything technology wise.
He's younger but he got a small job before me so it doesn't count ok.
He brings out some more food which is a fruit salad so I could eat,he drenched it with water so it was so cooling ,it was cold water so that's why.
//he finished his food.
I left right left right right left in that order sometimes mixing it up bc I'm silly goofy and random like that.
I grab my water and pour it in my mouth.
It's about 3 right now and I was sore everywhere.
I let myself have a few minutes nap,that few minutes was like 5 hours.
I have like an hour or few to finish this.
I do some push-ups and using the gym equipment some family friends gave me and my brother.
I'm like the only one who uses it but it's fine more for me.
Can't let it get rusty now can we.
I dry my head off with a towel and hop in the shower washing every crevice of my body.
I also wash my hair but everyone does that in a shower when u work out.
I wash my face and wrap the towel around my lower body and collapse on my bed ,oh god,I'm so not prepared enough for the ducking MAFIA???
Mafia and me $$$$
RomanceOne of your basic mafia stories but I make it gay because I make everything gay 😜😜