- adrian quincy

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Full Name:
Adrian Quincy

- Andy

Seventeen in season two
Eighteen in season three
Nineteen in season four



five ten


Date of Birth:
November 21st, 1967

Left or Right Handed:
Left Handed

Adrian usually wears long sleeve shirts and blue jean pants, sometimes during the summer he'd wear shorts or even his swim trunks.

He usually has on a black watch that he always has on his right wrist.

At first Adrian is kept to himself, never really speaks unless he is spoken too. He is very quiet and likes to be on his own but occasionally will go off and cause some mischief in the process. He's definitely a momma's boy and tends to also be a goody two shoes. Adrian absolutely loves staying up late and watching the stars. He is also a very big nerd and loves to read books alot over the summer, sometimes you'll catch him reading in the library during school or during the summer. Though his favorite activity is to swim. He's a totally different person around the pool, usually laughing and sometimes acting like a fool. He absolutely loves getting attention and can sometimes be a ass about it too. He's not afraid to snap back if someone is pissing him off. But Adrian is a pretty sweet guy, absolutely love being outdoors then inside.

Ralph Macchio

Appearance/Faceclaim: Ralph Macchio

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Hawkins, Indiana

Adrian's biggest fears is being abandoned. He typically loves being around the ones he most cares about and tends to loose it when he's alone.

- Spicy Food - Adrian hates spicy food and will not eat it. Though his family usually eats something spicy every night. He cannot eat it. To him it's torture.
- Being In Love - Adrian thinks he loves the fact that he wants to be loved. But, this is the year where homosexuals are not accepted. He keeps it to himself, but he occasionally daydreams about being with a certain someone.
- Dogs - He is absolutely terrified of them. Especially the big ones. Adrian doesn't mention it, but when he sees a big one coming near he'll freeze up.

- Candy/Sweets - Adrian absolutely loved sweets! who doesn't? He always has a major sweet tooth and will occasionally go get a candy bar at a gas station or some sort. Orrr- he'll have a stash in his car.
- Video Games - Adrian LOVES video games. He loves them as much as he loves reading. He will typically be the one to beg his friend to play one more round but end up staying up till morning.
- Books - Adrian is a complete book-nerd. Though his favorite genres are Thriller and Romance. Occasionally he'll pick up a Horror or even Action.

- The color Red- For whatever the reason Adrian does not like the color. Guess it's because is the color of blood.
- Being Lied Too - Adrian may not be the smartest in the box but that doesn't mean he wants to be lied too. He rather someone tell him the truth than to lie about something so simple.
- Seafood - Adrian cannot stand the smell of it. He will literally get sick if he is in the room of somebody eating it. He does not like it at all.

Love Interest:
William 'Billy' Hargrove

Love Interest: William 'Billy' Hargrove

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Steve Harrington

Family: - Johnathon Quincy - Father - Kasandra Quincy - Mother - Vicky Quincy - Younger Sister

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- Johnathon Quincy - Father
- Kasandra Quincy - Mother
- Vicky Quincy - Younger Sister

- Billy Hargrove
- Steve Harrington
- Lucas Sinclair
- William Byers

Season they Appear in:
- Adrian appears in the middle of season two, at the pool before Billy gets possessed by the mind flayer.

Do they survive?:
Adrian does survive until season four, where he ends up dying due to Vecna.

Where they at now?
Adrian sadly had died in season four. Leaving behind his parents' and younger sister. His body was nowhere to be found either.

- Adrian sadly never got to tell Billy/Steve how he felt.

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