Chapter 1 Flee

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"YOU STABBED ME!!!!" Jason screams as he rolls onto the gravel, the gun smacking against the ally wall. My mind is blank, did I really do that? I feel like crying, I should do something. My chest heaves as I take deep breaths. I'm panicking. I put my hands over my eyes to hide the scene. This is fucking terrible, I wish Jason would've just listened to me. God knows this shit would not have happened if he did. I shake my head in anger and wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. I have to leave, I don't have time to cry. I remove my hands from my face as Jason screams. "YOU STABBED ME DYLAN." He looks at me with pure fear and disgust on his face, clutching his bleeding stomach with his right arm, holding tightly.

Jason attempts to grab his phone out of his pocket with his other arm and fails, taking a sharp breath. I stare at him, the knife embedded in his chest; his eyes looking as if they'd pop out at any second. It's horrifying. 

He struggles for a bit, still trying to get ahold of his phone, I need to run in case the police come, but my body is paralyzed and I can't move. Chills run down my spine as Jason finally yanks his phone out and calls the cops. I am going to jail. Tears run down my face at this sudden realization. I feel defeated.  In a last attempt of escaping, I move to kick Jason's phone away from him. I fail. My body shakes aggressively and I double over, hands grasping my face once again, tears spilling out of my eyes, the sound of Jason screaming at the phone fades, slowly, getting quieter and quieter, until it's unable to be heard. The silence is soon filled with wailing sirens, and shouting people. 

I quickly stand up and flee the scene, wiping my eyes, leaving everything behind me. The shouting police officers, Jason, the gun, the knife, all left in that ally. I do not look back.

I run and run, my calves are burning, but I don't stop. I can't stop, they are going to catch me. I don't want to go to jail now, I'm too young. I won't go to the juvie because I just turned 18 last month. I'd have to be a fugitive on the run. Is this how my life will be? Will I ever escape this? The thoughts pour into my mind, and I shake my head. Instead of thinking, I look at my surroundings, I've made it to Pine Road, close to my house.

 I could go home. Can I go home? I want to, but...I can't. Jason will just search for me. I stop running as I hear sirens behind me, probably an ambulance. I take a left, running towards the direction in which I think is town square, there I'll be able to get a train out of here. Out of here, never coming back. I continue to run, my thighs getting sweaty, come to think of it, I really should have worked out more this year. I can't have my legs fail me at this exact moment. I'm kind of in a rush to leave.

The wind blows my hair fiercely, the sun beating hot on my skin. It is very pretty outside today, and I feel as if I should just lay in the grass and look at bees. Like I normally do. I'm not a criminal, I'm just a normal teenager who enjoys being outside, driving places with my friends, and playing Fortnite. I pull my thick hoodie off and tie it around my waist because I'm beginning to sweat like crazy. Running is not my favorite thing to do, I feel like I'm going to puke. As I run past a group of people,  a handsome teen looks at me his face is confused, yet somehow still good-looking. 

I wish I could look good like that all the time as well. My wavy and short brown hair is not nearly as flawless as his, my skinny frame, and average height is not good enough. Neither are my baggy jeans and T-shirt that is overworn, the colors flushed. The only thing that I may be proud of is the lightly dusted freckles dusted across my cheeks and nose. Other than that, I look like shit. My brain goes back into panic mode, and I quicken my pace. I need to quit overthinking.  

People look at me with disgust as I cross the streets, running as fast as I can. Perhaps they think I'm just a hobo running for the nearest food truck, doesn't surprise me if they do. I mean, look at me. I run through crowds of people and take a sharp left at the next stop sign. I pull out my phone. Wait, where the fuck am I?

Checking my location, I run straight into a guy. "Hey watch it, dude!" Sorry bro, I don't have time to apologize. I speed past him without helping. A few kids point at me and stare. Then as I put my phone back, I trample one. 

His frisbee clatters onto the ground as he hits the pavement. He begins to sob. Shit. I stop. Damn it I've done it now, I stand the kid back up on his feet kid up and attempt to give him a fist bump. He looks at me, his eyes sad, but he gives me a fist bump, then runs away. I'm so glad that the kid's fine, I pick up my speed, and run again, even though it's needless, no one is chasing me. I've almost been hit by a car, like three times. I don't know man; I'm not keeping count. I think about Jason, how long we had been friends, and how it all went to shit over an argument.

An argument. About a fucking girl.

I slow down a bit as I realize I've made it to the town square, I'm still running, but not as fast. I take a moment to look around me, this is my last time in this town. I can't even say goodbye to my family. There's no time. I could call them. But they'd track me. Shit, I yank my phone out of my pocket and turn off my Life 360 trackers and Find My. Mom's texted me a bunch and called. Thinking about it, the police have probably already talked to her by now. Same with Dad. I feel like crying. This is too much. It's the beginning of summer, and the trees are full of color, the grass is gleaming, and people are enjoying their days outside. I could be doing that. I could be living.

I've been waiting to get out of school for the summer, and we just did two weeks ago. But now I've fucked up. I sit on a bench and rest well, drink water, and breathe. It takes me a second to look around, not remembering where the damn train station is, but I spot a town square map. It's old-school and frayed at the corners, it smells like dust. Looking at it I notice all the places are color-coded, and in neat lines, with spot-on trails. It reminds me of the time I went to Disney, with the nice pamphlets showing you where everything is. The colors are faded though, while the ones at Disney were filled with magic. With no time to reminisce again, I walk in the direction of the train station.

Mr. Wilkins, my former science teacher, is at the station's front gate, looking at me. He was my favorite teacher in all of the ninth grade, and I can remember so much from his classes. He had an amazing way of teaching. He smiles gleefully and holds out his hand for me to shake. "Hey Dylan, nice seeing you here." I shake his hand and smile back at him.

"Yeah, just going to catch a train to Winchester," I say, as I pull my hand away.

He raises his eyebrows at that, "Winchester?" He chuckles, "Why my boy, where's your family?"

"Oh." This is awkward, I suck in a breath, covering my frown with a small smile.

"Oh, yeah they're just at home, I planned to run to Winchester to meet a friend."

His eyes sparkle at that, and he nods.

"Nice to see kids these days still going places, if you know what I mean." He winks at me and chuckles again.

"Yeah," I bounce on my heels and clap, "well, I should get going, don't want to be late." I laugh, a light-hearted one because I'm not in the mood to be funny right now and walk into the station. He pats me on the back and tells me to be safe, and I wave the back of my hand at him; grabbing my wallet. He's a nice old man, I'm sure I'll miss him.

I pull out a $10 bill, hoping it's enough, and walk up to the ticket clerk. He's a young guy, I think he may go to my school, with frizzy red hair, acne, and some light blue eyes covered with glasses. He smiles at me. "Tickets are $8 if going somewhere close to town, $10 if anywhere else." He points towards the board beside him, "These are the only places we are going today, sorry." His voice is sniffly, and his face is blotchy. Allergies must be a pain in the ass for this kid.

I grin at him and look at my options. Martins Burg, Harpers Ferry, Charles Town, Winchester. Perfect. I clear my throat, and give him the money, "Winchester, please." He takes the money, pulls off the ticket, and rambles on about riding this exact train company. I don't pay attention/  As he finishes, he tells me to have a nice ride. We hold eye contact for a moment before another guy taps my shoulder telling me to move. That was also awkward. I go and take a seat in the station, near the corner. The next train gets here at 9:00 am. It's 8:32, I'll make it without Jason finding me.

That's what I thought would happen. It turns out fate didn't like me very much. 

Author's Note: If you are also here for the romance, it will begin next chapter, I'm happy that you are reading this. Have a nice day. 

P.S. I am not a very good chapters are short...i have writers block..sorry.

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