★Part 3★

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Hunter ★

I was just sitting at my desk dozing off into nothingness when all of a sudden someone hits Mason on the head. ★ Another person showed up and they began to jump him. ★ It was three in all. ★ I was not going to sit there and let Mason get jumped so I hopped in the fight and then Stacey did too. ★ We were fighting when Julie was sent into our class for mis behaving Julie screamed and hopped in the fight...★ Jacob got up from his seat and began to record it. ★

It was a 4v3. ★ We won the fight, but we all got sent to the office. ★ Thats when we began to have a conversation with each other. ★ they told us they only fought mason because of the rumor getting spread around. ★

New characters in Part 4

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