chapter two

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It was a sad day for everyone in the office, nobody wanted to come to work after that horrible court incident. They had planned to celebrate their victory a few days before. If they were being honest, things like this should be expected in south Philly. They were the homicide squad after all—nothing should surprise them.

They were gathered round a rickety table. Most of them probably didn't sleep the last night. Special agent Buckfield had called for a squad meeting as he would like to call it. Feds.

He started his little speech with a stomp of his boot causing the table to table.

"First of all I would like to congratulate all of you for the cooperating with the federal government on the Meredith case.
Sadly we've had a complicated homicide thrown at us and I will need you all to cooperate with a new member of our team once more."

Just great, another one

He paused to glance at a figure standing across the room. He beckoned the person to come closer. When he had come fully into view all eyes were on him. He was a burley redhead almost too short for his own good. He offered the special agent a hand shaking it vigorously.

He didn't look anything like a doctor.

"G'morning everyone. I'm doctor Miles yorkshaw, I'm in charge of the Forensic pathology analysis of yesterday's victim, a young lady called Dora Donovan."

Just then someone burst in drawing in a suffocating cloud of booze.

"Krueger! how many times do I have to say it, if you wanna get wasted, do it far away from the fucking station. What the fuck were you doing all morning?" screamed Buckfield. Krueger shrugged and plonked on a seat nearby. He lifted a droopy finger at the man in front of him.

"Who's this guy?"

"That's the new member of our team...Dr yorkshaw. He's going to be telling us about -"

"That's enough Bucky, you ain' leader. I am, you feds just never mind your own business "

"That's enough from you Krueger!" He nearly screamed "sorry doc, you were saying "

"Right, according to the autopsy miss Dora was killed approximately five minutes before being butchered with what we deduced to be a kitchen knife. An investigation into the actual murder scene was carried out and the scene was spotted almost immediately. The murder took place in a bathroom stall just across the street.
Now a kitchen knife which my team and I strongly believe was our killer's primary weapon was found on the scene. It was tested and all biometric data found on the knife are as follows. The blood and hair of Dora Donovan,
Her Viginal discharge and lastly the fingerprints of ..." He took a deep breath "...Alissa Paula Meredith"

Everyone froze

"I um... know that this sounds very strange but I on behalf of my team assure you that we reran the tests and according to the national database, those fingerprints were hers"

Krueger shot up and staggered towards him.

"Listen Milesy, I don't care about how smart y'all think you are. But if you think that a dead girl we all buried with our own hands killed someone, you're stupider than me "

Krueger shot a finger in his face and started to laugh hard. His laughter bouncing off the hardwood floors right before his dinner did. Everyone else had already left the room holding up their noses. Now it was just Mike, Krueger and Buckfield.

Of course the Feds never leave

"Miles  I'd hate to agree with Krueger but he's right. It doesn't make any sense. Meredith is dead." Said Buckfield

The two of them hurled Krueger onto a worn out sofa. He looked even uglier sprawled across the sofa.

"Look Buckfield, I wish I had a good explanation for all this but we can only do so much"

"It wouldn't stand up in court. We can't explain this to anyone. Look is there any chance that someone else... " He sighed

"Put those fingerprints there?" Said Miles

"Yeah it sounds stupid but -"

"It's very possible but it's successful in very few cases. "

"Well if it's possible shouldn't we try to check it out?"

Mike sat down, Buckfield did the same. Krueger started to snore

"We could for instance check for the fingerprint's age through the use of molecular markers and by observing the oil changes of each print but I must remind you that this form of research isn't completely developed and the results might be just as good as a rough estimate " Mike shrugged, he wished he had something better to say. He knew that the case was going to go cold in a matter of weeks.

"If you can do that Mike please try."

Mike picked up his backpack. Not doctor like at all.
"You never know Bucky, you never know" he said as he walked over to Krueger.

"Are you going to leave em here?"

"I'll take him home"

He glanced at the special agent. He looked more worn out than on the newspapers.

"Have a good one special agent. Get some rest, you deserve it "

Buckfield giggled then gasped. He never knew he was capable of doing that. Mike strutted to his Audi. He felt jealous, he was probably driving off to a wife and a big house and a wrestling match with a dozen kids.

Luck was never on his side. If he was so abstinent, he would have been drinker than Krueger.
He had to protect what little was left of his dignity.

He was so excited to be recruited. He had made a lot of money and he even had a pregnant wife to top it all. Then in a snap he lost everything he loved. Poor guy most of his friends said. You'll find another, just get over it.

Get over it

He wanted to scream every time he heard those words. He had never imagined in his entire career that he would be hauling a drunk detective into his truck instead of saving the world.

After this case Bucky, you gotta retire

"Dorkie c'mon , your father's waiting."
All dressed up and ready to go to school, Justina proudly held her mother's loving hand. They both headed towards their car with an equally happy father holding the door open for them.

When the image of the tall building where she would be schooling came into full view, her father took a deep breath. He would miss his dear daughter. He remembered just the day before he had brushed her hair and sang to her. She was already nine years old, She needed to go through with it, she needed a real school and real friends.

Dorkie was growing up.
He nearly burst in tears.

Her mother pulled her into a warm hug, a we'll-be-fine hug.

She gave both of them a kiss before skipping across the street into the school gates.

Just before she was out of sight she turned back to smile. They returned the smile before driving off.

She still stood there. The once warm smile ending with a manic glint in her eyes...

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