Chapter three

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He had always thought working for the FBI was his ticket out of the rat race. If he had known a few years ago that he would be hauling a comatose acholic detective out of a rundown police station at the rear end of south Philly he probably wouldn't even be in the force .

Ten years ago special agent Tedward Buckfield, had his final funeral . The whole state had watched it. He was the town hero people toasted to at major events . Everyone said they'd miss him. He had solved nine hundred cases in his lifetime. A true Sherlock Holmes indeed.

His son however was barely known. His talent had earned him a spot on the FBI. That was where his luck ended.

He pulled over in front a tiny stone house. A lot of children's storybooks would call it a cottage in the woods.

The house was located in the outskirts of town in a dreary neighborhood. In fact, compared to the other houses it was the best. Sporting a fresh coat of yellow paint making it stand out. The house seemed to look different every time he visited and he had made plenty of visits already.

He got out of the car with Krueger on his back. He walked up to the bold old oak front door. Before he even knocked, a woman flung it open.

"Oh no, not again! Come in. The" Her voice wavered a bit when she spoke.

Her gaze was expressionless. No makeup, messy blonde hair, She wasn't wearing much either. Only a thin layer of a nightgown worn one too many times. No bra. He felt sorry for her. Despite all of that she was still the most attractive woman he had ever met.

"It's okay Laynie um... would you mind if I come inside?" He tried to put on his best smile.

"Of course" she said helping him get Krueger on the couch  "the house is a big mess"

He reached out for her hand, she accepted his offer. Small and smooth.  He looked into her eyes, kind of grey. She had cried a bit he wished she didn't.

"It's fine" he stared at the floor "you know I don't mind staying here"

"Oh no you don't have to" her lips curved into a tiny smile. He wanted to hug her, loyalty wouldn't let him. "I don't want to keep you here." She let go of his hand and turned towards Krueger.

On his way home he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.

He fumbled for his phone and when he managed to get it out of his pocket the entire screen was filled with the same message .

Missed call: Martha

Oh shit

He had completely forgotten he was supposed to call her back. He drove faster. He had to get home quickly.

She'll forgive me... right?


She adjusted her glasses while calmly scanning her surroundings.

It was rush hour in Paris, from a distance she could hear a heated argument over the phone. A middle aged woman guided a little boy into a car, dogs were running around some teenagers giggled mischievously in the ice cream shop across the street.

Nothing  interesting yet

She took out her phone.  There was a message from her mother.

Mama: Dorkie baby, I hope you    are doing well in your classes. I'll come see you really soon after my appointment. Make lots of friends. I luv you 😘

A smirk peeked at her lips. She can't ignore her mother.
She dialed a familiar number.

You better pick up darling

When the person finally picked up her smirk widened to a frightening smile.

"Someone's finally picked up today. So glad you finally made time for me." there was obvious sarcasm in her voice

"I'm sorry. I've been so busy I-" she could hear sobbing through the phone.

"You are very very lucky I'm in a good mood today Justina."

"I know, it's just that I'm not used to this new school yet and..."

"Well you better sort yourself out. My mom's coming to see you today." She said now twirling her hair around her fingers.

"But Dominique...I "

"What did I tell you about my name?"

"Oh Dorkie... Dorkie I'm so sorry. It's just that I haven't seen my parents for a while now and your mom visits every weekend. I'm not sure if I can do it again..." She gulped "I'm not sure if I can keep this act up much longer "

Dorkie's voice softened

"Listen Justina I'll be home in a few weeks alright. Just hold up until then."  She got a moan from her as a response"Are you mad at me? "

"No Dorkie. Just come back soon"

Dorkie smiled. She spotted a  lady in her twenties. She was perfect. Tall, blue eyes and most importantly, silky long dark hair. She was accompanied by a burley blonde male probably in his thirties.

They're perfect

"Don't worry Justina, I'll be back really...really soon"

After hanging up, her smirk grew wider when the couple settled at the table in front of her...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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