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It felt like I was falling and then THUD I hit solid concrete I start to open my eyes to see a wine red color wait a wine red color with a pentagram? I look around and see a neon light saying welcome to hell! Nice to know my sins came back to me haha guEss karma is a bitch haha well guess I better look around this place I guess this is what I get for being a cannibal and murder when I was alive. I passed a alley way when I saw a shine. I went into the alley way and saw I looked part deer with tuffs on the top of my head that were black to red at the tips. My hair changed to black to red and my outfit changed a lot. As soon as I found out a had a staff that looks like a mic with a eye like thing I got pinned against the wall of the alley way there I saw 5-6 men huddled up Infront of me the boss of the group I suppose has me up against the wall "well looky here guys we got ourselves a pretty looking one" "hehehe ye boss" I was starting to get mad because I didn't give them permission to pin me to the wall of this disgusting alleyway my antlers and teeth started to grow more the men who pinned me to the wall started to try and undress me but I bit the leader and decapitated him then they all ran but I ran after them but to them I teleported Infront of them and they started to beg for mercy and forgiveness but I didn't give them either of them I killed them right Infront of thousands of demons and somehow I broadcasted that whole thing when I started murdering them so I was know across all of hell and I wanted to be feared so I said this "denizens of hell beware of me the radio demonette and do not try to challenge me" the only reason why I said that was because the group of perverts were all overlords and I knew that somehow.

(sorry if most of this story seems like your there but not Allastra it's a habit for me to write 3rd person anyway got to go to sleep for tomorrow see ya guys)

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