Chapter 8

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"Here, it's not the best ranch in E City, but I know one with the most complete livestock," Boss Zhang hesitated to speak.

"Old Zhang, that's what you want to talk about," someone obviously already knew what Boss Zhang was talking about.

Shen Xun didn't interrupt, but waited for his next words.

"The ranch in the eastern suburbs is very famous. If you go there and ask, no one will know that the animals in their ranch are very expensive."

"Thanks." Shen Xun didn't care about the money, she went to see it for herself, and if it was really worth the price, she would buy it.

Open the navigation, search for the east pasture, and one really came out.

Following the navigation instructions, Shen Xun drove the truck for more than an hour. Before entering the ranch, he could see the billboard of the ranch on the highway. Feed with conscience and eat with confidence.

The head of a cow flashed on the billboard, with a few green grasses in the cow's mouth.

Driving out of the expressway, Shen Xun stopped the car and closed the door. There seemed to be more than one pasture here. Shen Xun looked at the situation in front of him. On a road, there were livestock sellers on both sides.

There are chickens, ducks, geese, cats and dogs, and there are large livestock in the back, such as cattle, sheep and pigs. When Shen Xun passes by these stalls, he will take a fancy to them for a while.

A little wimpy, not the kind she wanted.

Shen Xun wanted the one that looked more energetic. These gave her the feeling that they were okay, but she had no desire to buy them.

He asked two people in succession which ranch the billboard he saw on the highway was, and after knowing the location, Shen Xun drove there.

After getting off the car at the destination, the two hills were surrounded by iron nets. Shen Xun walked around the iron nets for about ten minutes before seeing the gate of the ranch.

"Hello, I want to buy

Cow," Shen Xun looked at an aunt in overalls, with a pair of rubber gloves on her hands, with some brown grains stuck to them.

"Come in, our boss is here," the aunt yelled at Shen Xun, and led her to the right, with Shen Xun following behind her.

This pasture is not big, but it occupies two hills, and they are raised separately, and the grass grows well on the hills.

In a two-story flat, the price of the animals in the ranch was marked on the wall. After Shen Xun glanced at it, it was indeed very expensive, which seemed to be several hundred higher than the market prices that he saw just outside.

She also looks very healthy. Shen Xun is not a veterinarian. She is afraid that if she buys sick livestock, she will not be able to feed herself.

Auntie went in to call someone, and after Shen Xun had read all the prices on the wall, the boss also came over.

"This sister, what's your name?" Shen Xun didn't expect the owner of the ranch to be so young, a sister in her thirties.


"Ms. Shen, do you want to buy a bull or a cow? Why don't we talk while watching," the boss also met such a young client for the first time, he must be in his teens.

"I had seen it when I came here just now, and I accepted the price, but I was in a hurry..." Shen Xun asked for fifty chickens, ducks, and geese each.

Twenty cows were bought, five bulls, and thirty ordinary cows.

We bought fifty pigs, ten boars, and one hundred sheep. Their hair is even more precious in extreme cold.

After paying the deposit and telling the boss that he would come to pick up the goods tomorrow, Shen Xun drove away.

It was getting late, the sun had already set, Shen Xun parked the car on the side of the road, and took out the food from the Home Cooking Restaurant from the space, a fish-flavored shredded pork, an eggplant with minced meat, and

Had sweet and sour pork ribs, meatball soup.

After Shen Xun was full, he restarted the truck, turned on the navigation, and drove to the suburb marked last night.

It was a village close to the mountains, and Shen Xun drove for two hours before arriving at the destination.

After stopping the car, Shen Xun walked into the mountains. When he got to a place where there was no one there, he took out the small eDonkey and drove for another hour. After confirming that there was no one there, Shen Xun took the mountain in front of him into the space.

Continue to walk in, Shen Xun collected five mountains in a row before giving up. His body was extremely exhausted, and his spirit was exhausted a lot. Shen Xun lay on the ground, his consciousness sank into the space, and the trace of mental power divided on the sea water take back.

In the middle surrounded by the five mountains is the blue sea water. Shen Xun controlled his mental power to put the crabs, dried shrimps, and fish in the lower space into it, and sprinkled seaweed seeds on the bottom of the sea water.

Stars of green light appeared from Shen Xun's fingertips, and the seaweed began to grow after absorbing it.

He took out his phone and looked at the time. At 9:36, Shen Xun took out a bottle of pure water and drank it, his body stretched out, and he wanted to go back quickly.

When returning back, Shen Xun didn't look back, but went out of the woods, took the country concrete road, took out the small eDonkey from the space, drove to the truck at the fastest speed, put away the small eDonkey and drove home.

It took some time to look at the navigation when we came here, but Shen Xun was familiar with the way back, so he turned the accelerator to the maximum and overtook the car all the way back.

The truck was parked outside the villa, and Shen Xun rode a small electric donkey into the villa area. A pile of couriers had already been placed in front of her villa, blocking the way in.

Shen Xun took out a knife from the space, dismantled all the couriers, and then checked to see if there was anything left after confirming the receipt.

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