Chapter 165 Survivors Of City B Base

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Without the cover of the thorn forest, the fortress would soon be discovered by the survivors who entered the mountain. Shen Xun walked around the thorn forest.

We had to move, it was no longer suitable to hide here any longer. Due to the earthquake, several huge gaps were opened in the forest of thorns.

The fort inside can be seen directly from the gap, and it is no longer safe here.

Green light spots floated out from the fingertips, and Shen Xun made the thorn forest more lush, covering the opened gap.

Although we have to change places, we can stay here for a while before we find a better place.

The sun was too strong at noon, Shen Xun returned to the fortress, activated the crystal energy, took out the air conditioner, and the blessing basin was empty, obviously he had eaten and slept.

Resting on the recliner, Shen Xun could imagine the miserable situation in the city b base.

Except for the buildings made of ore and spar on the inner layer of the base, the houses built of mud and bricks on the outer layer have already collapsed.

Stuffing ice cubes into his mouth, Shen Xun pulled out two air-conditioning fans to blow on them.


Inside the base medical center in city b.

"Where is Guan Zhimo, find him quickly, if you don't see Xu

Is the major general going to die soon?" the man roared angrily, he was at the end of his strength after the night's rescue operation.

There was mud on his face and body that was too late to wipe off, and the calluses on his hands had been worn away, and the mud penetrated into the damaged flesh.

As if he didn't feel any pain, he put Major General Xu on his back on the simple hospital bed.

This simple hospital bed is just a rag, and there are countless survivors injured by the earthquake lying on the surrounding ground, and several nurses are busy between the beds.

Sweat trickled into his eyes and he didn't spare his hands to wipe them off. On the only hospital beds that were intact, there were a few more serious survivors lying on them.

Limbs and limbs were lost in the earthquake last night. Under the thin sheets, only a torso could be seen. If it weren't for the heaving chest, many people would think they were dead.

"Mr. Guan has already gone to another injured room to help. There are also several seriously injured people there. Let me show Major General Xu."

The nurse withdrew from her busy schedule, walked to the man's side, knelt down and examined Major General Xu's body.

"Without Guan Zhimo, what can you see, go and find the doctor quickly, don't waste time," the man said impatiently

. "There is no one else, they are all busy now," the nurse was also very embarrassed, and she also knew that Major General Xu would not be in trouble.

But the only few doctors in the hospital are busy operating on survivors now, and there is no manpower left to show to Major General Xu.

Human life was at stake, the nurse took the tools and began to examine the unconscious Major General Xu, seeing her professional technique, the man shut down the words that were about to reach his throat.

"Major General Xu is fine, but he is overworked, let him rest here first," the nurse wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and gave the man a reassuring smile.

Joining the busy team, the nurses checked the wounds of the survivors one by one in front of the hospital bed.

Waking up from a coma, the man habitually wanted to prop up his body and stand up, "Ah...", the broken arm was propped on the bed, and the man cried out in pain.

"What's wrong with my hand?" The man endured the pain and raised his broken arm in front of his eyes. Due to the violent movement just now, the sutured wound split open.

The blood stained the white gauze, and the blood soaked out.

He bent his legs and wanted to stand up, but the man couldn't feel the existence of his right leg, "Where is my...leg?"

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