Chapter 9

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It had been a bit since they had been back from NSB. Nothing had changed with Olivia's attitude but the fact she now added avoidance to her daily ritual. This was really hurting Amanda as well as pissing her off. Like why did the woman actually come to her hotel, talk to her amongst other things to end up treating her like shit. She had gotten dressed and ready to go into work. But the more she thought of Liv's avoidance and treatment, the more pissed off she got. So she sent a text.

"Olivia- you know this is absolutely ridiculous. Really is. You follow me to NSB where I took a weekend to get away from the treatment of you. You tell me that you have the same feelings. You said you wanted an 'us', you fucked me for christs sake Liv. Yeah we had sex. Now all the sudden on the damn plane ride back I'm Rollins and shit goes back to the way it was. You say maybe we need a break and we hadn't even started. So why the fuck did you come out to NSB, to make sure I didn't do anything stupid? Liv I'm a goddamn grown up. I don't need a babysitter."

Olivia had just walked into her office after greeting her coworkers. Obviously Amanda hadn't gotten there yet. She stared at Amanda's desk when she heard her phone go off. She told Fin to find out where Amanda was and tell her to get her ass to work. She went back to office and checked her phone. Now she was pissed too.

"Amanda- First off you are late to work yet again. Everyone of my detectives are here and you're not. As for your question, I think I rushed. I feel I moved to fast. Yes I do have feelings for you, I can't deny that, but my actions were not right. You are a subordinate and the sex shouldn't of happened. Me saying I wanted an us was rushed as I was in the feeling of the moment. The break I talked about would give both of us time to think and look at our behavior with a fresh and clear head. I came out to NSB cause I figured it would be better to talk in person, it wasn't to check up on you as I know you're a grown woman."

Amanda was walking into the precinct when she saw her phone go off. She waited til she got to her desk to read it. She more or less should have went somewhere private to read it. The words she read, the tears stung her eyes. Her heart hurt. She took a deep breath and got up. Fin looking at her as well as Carisi. She didn't want to say anything to them. It wasn't their business and it wasn't her place to tell Liv's personal matters.

"Guys excuse me. I need a few minutes to myself. I promise I'll be back and I'll do double the work on this assignment." Her voice had gone soft, Fin could tell something was up with his partner and it wasn't good. His partner was hurting. She went off outside, she needed fresh air. Up to the rooftop where noone would bother her and she could think. How could Liv say that to her? After everything over the weekend? After confessing the feelings? Well that's what she got for opening up to someone. Same shit as Atlanta. Only this time it wasn't rape. She had willingly slept with her boss and would probably face repercussions.

While she was up on the roof taking her time and her minutes Olivia had come out of her office and when she saw that Amanda was not at her desk she got pissed.

"Fin, where the hell is Amanda? Did she even show up today? For christsakes she's a damn detective and here she is once again M.I.A."

For one, Fin wasn't liking the attitude towards him. For two he sure wasn't liking it towards his partner. His partner who had overcome alot of things and was keeping her sobriety. Fin stood up to his leiutenant, looking her in the eyes. His tone was stern when he spoke but also respectful.

"Olivia, we need to talk. No offense to Carisi here, but I would rather do it in private." Olivia looked at him.

"Sure." She looked at Carisi.

"Can you hold this down a few minutes while we talk?" He looked at her and nodded. Plus he knew Rollins would be back in shortly as well.

Carisi went back out to his desk and Fin closed the door to Olivia's office. Fin wasn't happy with the way he was being spoken too and treated, and the treatment of his partner was a whole other thing.

"Olivia, we have worked together too damn long for you to have this shit attitude with me. Yes I know Amanda is a detective here and more importantly she is my partner and my friend. You are also a friend but your attitude is treading thin ice with me."

Olivia glared at him, he glared right back and he wasnt holding back with his questions either.

"What in the hell went on with you and Amanda? Now I have the right to know since you took your ass to NSB to find her. Now you guys are back and you're treating her like you did in the beginning. There's no need for it. Liv she busts her ass, and does a damn good job. She's overcome shit and has done well. Now what in the hell is your damn problem with her?"

She looked at him debating to confess what had happened on their unknown time away together.

"You're right, it is none of your business." He looked at her and she knew damn well he wasnt going anywhere without an explaination.

"This does not leave this office. You hear me?"

He nodded and she proceeded to tell him the events of her mini vacation to go find Amanda. She told him everything. Laying her own vulnerability on the table. He did understand some of her reasoning but he didnt understand her treatment of Amanda.

"Look Liv, I get that you two have had something going on, but you cant treat her like this at work. You and Amanda are the only two women on this force, you need to get along. You have feelings for her, that's obvious. Just like it's obvious that the two of you shared some intimate encounters. Thing is you need to grow up and own up to them Liv. She didn't hold your hand and force you did she?"

That last comment made Olivia think. Amanda hadnt forced her to do anything. She had been with Amanda willingly. After a little while longer Fin left her office, but in doing so he said this.

"Olivia, the woman respects you and your feelings. At the least you owe her the same consideration and respect. Sit and think, but not too long for one cause you may force her to leave. For two, you are sacrificing your own happiness to live by standards that have been long outdated."

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