Chapter four : Not Again 🥺

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Fatima : Ian what are you doing here ?

Ian : I told you this wasn't over .....who is that ? He asked looking a purity

Fatima : Silent " tears flowing "

Ian : What the fuck you crying for

Fatima : Ian your drunk , please go .....she said holding a sleeping purity

Ian : So you got a kid with another fucking nigga

Fatima : Ian please don't do this

Ian : Give her to me ....he yelled

Fatima : What the fuck , hell no am not giving you my daughter

Ian : Where the fuck is my child ?

Fatima : Ian please

Purity : Mommy ! Who is that ? Is her sleepy voice

Fatima : It's nobody baby , put your head down

Purity : Okay .....she put her head back down

Ian : So am nobody now huh ......he said stepping close to her

Fatima : Please don't do this Ian " crying "

Ian : You don't miss me .....rubbing on her thigh

*Fatima : Silent " tears flowing " just hoping that somebody will come

Ian : Where is your car?

Fatima : I called my driver to picked me up

Ian : I saw you drive here Fatima

Fatima : Are you following me ?

Ian : I gotta protect what's mind .......pushing his hands in her bag for her car keys

Fatima : Ian please am not driving home

* Ian ignore her comment an took her car keys out an press it to see which one was hers after ,the car went off he walked them to the car .....Fatima was scared history was about to repeat it self again

Ian : Put her in

Fatima : I'm not putting my child in there i told you i called a driver to take us home

* Ian Choke Fatima pushing her into the car

Ian : If you don't fucking put her in i will

Fatima : Okay

* Fatima open the car door putting journey in her car seat " crying "

Purity : Mommy are you okay ?

Fatima : Yes baby mommy is fine

Purity : But your crying

Fatima : Everything is going to be okay baby i promise

Purity : Why is that man touching your back ?

Fatima : " crying " Ummmm he just helping mommy baby , i need you to close your eyes an sleep for mommy okay

Purity : Is he hurting you ?

Fatima : " more tears flowing " No baby he's not

Purity : Okay mommy i love you

Fatima : I love you too baby

* Fatima made sure purity was buckle in an her eyes was close before she turned her attention back to IAN

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