Chapter 1 ~ Shibuya

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Hiii, this is the renewed mira story. Same plot, but more spice. The outdated story wont be continued. I've gotten more ideas over time. Enjoy!

--------<<<1st POV>>>--------

"I fucking hate everyone," I thought to myself as I scraped off sticky gum from under the restaurant's tables. I hated my nonexistent friends, my boss, my job, my family and their friends, yet the idea of quitting never really crossed my mind. I was the one earning the money for my little brother Arisu, even though my father and my other brother Hajime were the succesful ones. I always felt like they never really thought about me.

I looked around and when the final customer left I pulled out my phone. We were not allowed to, but I couldn't bare waiting.

"Arisu, where are you?", I texted him.

Arisu: "Out, why?"

Me: "What do you mean out?"

Arisu: "In our favorite shibuya bar."

Me: "That's only about 50 meters away. We planned to meet an hour ago. I'm going to kill you, if you don't come right now.

Arisu: "Okay fine, we're coming in about 45 minutes."

Me: "Are you dense?!?!?" Before I could send the message, my boss had taken my phone away and put it in his back pocket.
"Why aren't you working? This behaviour will be taken off of your payment, you know?", he said in a disappointed and arrogant tone. "Just go back to work, people are waiting for their food."

He went back to his mysterious office, closed his blinds, locked the door, turned off the lights and disappeared in the darkness. A customer rarely every walked in.

"Hey, you," a mid 40 year old guy shouted while he knocked on the table. Behind him were 4 other people, about the same age and already half drunk. "Table for 5," the guy snarled. I sighed and took them to their seats.

"Aren't you going to ask us what we want to order?", another guy in a bright neon green shirt questioned which made a long exhausted sigh escaped my lips. "What do you guys want to order?", I fake smiled.

An aweful day for this wonderful weather.


The guys left just shortly before Arisu, Chota and Karube bursted in with a bright smile. "Hi uhmm... you wanted to see me?" "Yeah, almost two hours ago." My monotone voice immediately changed the mood of the others. Arisu tried to grab the white envelope filled with money, but I quickly pulled it away. "Cmooon, Y/n!"
"Did you go to your job interview today? Pretty early for you to go out."
"Why should I search for a job, when you would overwork yourself anyway?"
"You know. It's way easier to overwork for only myself than for the both of us."
I slightly raised my voice at him which didn't do any effect.

I got so fed up that I completely failed to pay attention to the envelope. Karube took it out of my hand and waved it around to tease me. The boys let out a laughter and were ready to step out. "I promiss I'll get a job soon," Arisu lied before he left my sight.


I sat on the cleanest barstool and waited for something to happen. I let the time fly fast and thought about my next job interview. Doing two jobs at the same time is surely not the best idea, but losing all of my sleep for twice the money a week is probably worth it.

A random voice from outside threw me off. "Mommy, mommy, look! Firework!" It looked like my boss wouldn't come out of his cave anytime soon, so I hurried outside and watched the exploding colors in the sky. I didnt mind how loud it was. It made me happy and it seems like the kids liked it too.

What I wasn't so fond of was the guy next to me. He was easily reconnized by his black clothes and the odd atmosphere. His name is Niragi and used to work here, but he would sometimes come over just to annoy the shit out of me. He didn't get fired or anything, he had a higher position than me, just because my boss liked how mean he was.

There was a smug expression on his face when he walked over to me, but I didn't want to deal with him, so I opened the door to stare at the firework from inside. I stopped my track and noticed the phone he pulled out of his pocket, lightly pressing it onto his ear.

He was snitching on me. Right before I could know it, the menacing man, also known as my boss behind me was about to spit flames. I tried to convince him: "Im sorry, Im so so sorry, sir! Please dont fire me!" Its discusting to hear myself begging. He thought for a long moment and then offered: "work overtime for the next week or quit." I was about to go crazy. Instead I sighed and accepted.

"What should I do? There aren't any customers at that time." "You could clean the toilets," My boss immediately said and pointed to the basement full of cleaning supplies.

I slowly opened the old creaking door. The stairs were made out of stone, crippled apart every step I take. The dust practically flew into my nose. I got hold of gloves and a mask as fast as I could. Nevertheless I had to talk to my boss again. Half of the cleaning supplies were missing.

I got out of the basement and knocked on his office door, yet I got hit by pure silence. All you could see through the window were empty streets, clouds were forming in the sky and I wasn't hearing any voices. Where did everyone go?

Mira Kano x fem reader (renewed!)Where stories live. Discover now