Chapter 2 ~ hooded guy

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Phones were completely useless in this weird world. Also every other electronic device has no reception. I couldn't even go home right now. It freaked me out seeing busses and cars in the middle of the road or metros in not fully at their destined stop.

My stomache growled of fear and hunger at the same time. I made my way to the bakery when a sudden thought hit me. If I was really the only person left here it meant I would never see my brother ever again. Even though he was annoying at times, I couldn't bear being alone like this.

I stole a sandwich and watched the setting sun and the pinkish clouds laying with my back down on the street. I shut my eyes hoping for either another sign of life or my death. My health wasn't so good before, but now it was probably worse.

A light. I noticed something light up white very close. My smile went up as I sprinted to a small sign. "Game here". It was at a tight and gloomy alleyway between 2 giant skyscrapers. "Game here" Another sign popped up out of nowhere. The directions lead me to the backdoor of the left building. I wasn't hoping to find people this way, it was quite scary.

I swung open the door. Greating me was a harmless looking woman and a teenage boy. "Who are you and what is this world?", I asked them.
"Im May and this is Toshio. We have been here for about 4 days now. But we didn't figure out what this world exactly is." the woman answered sincerely. I looked at them with a confused expression and repeated her last sentance again.
"You didn't figure out what THIS WORLD is? Is this some kind of outerdementional realm or something?" They both shrugged at the same time.
"Wait, I'm going out for a second."
"NO DON'T," I got yelled at by Toshio who I thought was mute. "IF YOU STEP OUT YOU'LL GET KILLED BY THE LASERS!"

I thought they were mentally insane, but just to be sure I tried it out with my shoe. Immediately after crossing a specific line it was burnt through. Shit, I should've believed them. Now I was just walking around with one shoe.

I suddenly jumped, because of a deep voice. "It was better to believe them." A hooded man whose face I didn't fully see came out of nowhere and took a phone on the table. "What is your name," May asked him, but he simply ignored her. "Rude," I mumbled which made him react a little bit. I picked the last phone "Game start". Nobody told me they were working, but I was disappointed to see nothing happening else when I pressed all of the buttons. "Stop. You need to listen closely," Toshio whispered.

Find the button
Difficulty: 6 of spades

Players are allowed access to every platform in the game by 1-4 bridges connecting them. There are buttons scattered on these platforms. Last player to press a lit up button loses a heart. Three lost hearts and it's game over. There will be 10 rounds.

"Seems simple, why is it such a high number-" "What does that exactly mean? 6 of spades," I interrupted May and Toshio responded: "So spade games are physical games which I'm not very good at. There are also clubs which are about teamwork, diamonds are intelligence and hearts are psychological. The numbers stand for the difficulty. It ranges from aces to 10s."
"Ok thank you, so it's like a deck of cards, but what about facecards?"
Umfotunately they couldn't answer my question.
We then stepped into the dark arena and instantly noticed that the wooden bridges are removable.

Round one

2 buttons lit up a strong blue color.
I was feeling nervous at first, but calmed down quickly and followed Toshio and May who ran to the closest button. A deep beep caught me of guard. The hooded dude somehow managed to press the further button first.

I was next to be safe, then May. Toshio was already out of breath after one single round. "I told you. I'm going to lose all of my hearts in seconds." May rolled her eyes at his prediction. "No way a teen isn't faster than a woman in high heals." She threw her shoes off the platform with no hesitation. A loud thud filled the room. It didn't matter how far deep it goes down, we knew we were going to get killed if we fall.

"Girl why are you looking at me like that? They are just shoes. It's a life or death situation." My heart dropped.
"A WHAT?!?!"

After 5 rounds there was a small break and at this point everyone had at least lost once. Toshio closest to death with 2 hearts down. I slowly walked over to the hooded guy who played dangerously clever.

Y/n: "What's your name?"
???: "..."
Y/n: "Uh-"
???: "Smart that you didn't always follow those other people."
Y/n: "It took me a good minute to realise which buttons are harder to get to. The distance is messing with me. You have to pay attention to the bridges."
???: "It's simple."
Y/n: "I still don't know your name."
???: "Too bad."

From now on only one button will be lit up
Round six

The hooded guy took a deep breath. "Ma'am, 10 rounds, 3 hearts. At least 2 people will die. I will definitely try my best to survive. It's your decision to do the same or let one of your friends over there live. It's your first time. You should know how aweful people can get."

Time passed quickly. All of us, except for the hooded guy had lost 2 hearts. Toshio was on the verge of tears. "My legs are trembling." May was comforting him while I eyed the planks/bridges getting kicked away by the odd guy. I wanted to speak up, but I held myself back thinking about our conversation. My brain was searching for wills to live.

The eighth round began. Because of the guy's sabotage we couldn't find a good pathway, yet I did manage to keep up with him. His run is slow and painfully chill. I had a plan and was ready fulfill it.
"ouch-" he couldn't move. I practically threw myself at him, holding his ankles until everyone but him were safe.

"Why did you do that?", he asked me.
"Don't you think it's a little unfair that you were still only one heart down?"
"What's your name?"
"My name is Y/n, nice to meet you. You are an interesting person I must say."
"For how long do you know the others?"
"I met them right before the game started."
"Either we both die to save them or they both die to save us. I've seen them before. They are so close that if one dies the other one will follow."
"Shut up. I would gladly give up my life for people with potential."

I walked away and waited unpatiently for the second to last round to begin.

Round nine

We were all scattered, however I had the closest path to the button. "Toshio! May! Come over here, there is a straight line to the button!", I shouted and sprinted at the same time. The hooded guy was getting too close so I removed one of the bridges to slow him down. As I picked up the wooden plank someone pushed me from behind. It was May showing me an annoyed face. I knew she was hoping for me to fall.

The inspiration inspired me to do the same to Toshio as revenge. "Why are you blocking the way? The hooded guy is about to catch up." I held onto his wrists and kicked him on his shins. May was yelling frustratingly as much as him. I ran to the button to pronounce myself safe.

Player 2 has been elimianted

A laser burnt through Toshio's head and back out of his chin. He dropped onto his knees and faceplanted onto the metal platform dead. "This is all your fault! You could've both made it and the hooded guy would be dead instead of Toshio! He was only 17!"

May screamed in agony, but didn't have enough energy anymore to throw a punch at me or to move in general. She just sat there, even though the last round had already started. "Just go." Her tone was calming. I gulped and pressed the final button. So did the hooded guy. Another laser was shot out of nowhere.

"My name is Chishiya. You made a good decision."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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