Chapter 17 - Newt as leader

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I groggily opened my eyes to find myself in Newt's arms. His warmth enveloped me, and for a moment, I forgot about the troubles that plagued the Glade. But reality soon came crashing back as I realized the weight on Newt's shoulders. He didn't want to get up; he didn't want to face the fact that Alby, Minho, and Thomas were gone. He dreaded taking on the role of the new leader.

I could sense Newt's nervousness as he muttered his worries. His British accent mixed with glader slang made his words even more endearing. I reached out to caress his cheek, trying to provide comfort. "You can do this, love. We'll figure it out together," I reassured him softly.

Reluctantly, we untangled ourselves and got ready for the new meeting. As much as Newt hated to admit it, he needed my support now more than ever. We walked side by side, but he couldn't hold my hand like he wanted to. The weight of responsibility made him keep his distance, even though I knew he longed for the comfort of our touch.

The Glade gathered for the meeting, and a heavy silence hung in the air. The absence of Alby, Thomas, and Minho weighed heavily on everyone's hearts. I, too, felt the sadness, but my focus remained on Newt. I tried to be there for him, to be his rock in this time of uncertainty.

As the Gladers exchanged worried glances, Gally stood up, surprising everyone. He cleared his throat and spoke with a newfound conviction. "Listen up, you lot!" Gally's voice boomed through the silent meeting, capturing everyone's attention. "I know we're all hurting right now, and it feels like we've lost our way. But I've known Newt here for a long time, and I can tell you, he's the best bloke to lead us through this mess."

Gally's words hung in the air, and whispers of confusion and curiosity spread through the crowd. Gally continued, his voice steady. "Newt might seem ignorant or distant, but that's just him tryin' to make everything work in the Glade. He's scared too, just like the rest of us. But if we want to survive, we need to trust him."

He scanned the room, meeting the eyes of each Glader. "Newt knows the Maze like the back of his hand. He's got the wit and the determination to guide us. We should listen to him, give him a chance."

Gally's unexpected show of support brought a sense of calm to the restless gathering. The Gladers began to realize that Newt's new role was not a burden but an opportunity for them to come together and rebuild. They fell silent, waiting for Newt's next move.

Newt took a deep breath, gathering his courage. His gaze found mine, and a hint of a smile played on his lips. "First off, I will change one rule of Alby's," he declared, causing whispers to ripple through the room. "It's about y/n."

I looked up at him, my surprise evident. What could he be planning?

"If any of you ever touch her inappropriately against her will, you'll be banned to the Maze," Newt continued, his voice firm. "But she's allowed to be with anyone in the Glade if she truly wishes. However, if you dare to mistreat her, make her cry, or break her heart, you will be punished. Not banned, but punished. You're not allowed to make a move on her while she's in a relationship. It's also not allowed to stalk, harass and be creepy towards her. If you stalk her, get punished but continue anyway, you will be banned to the maze. In conclusion, you're allowed to be in a relationship with her now. It just has to be okay for her." he said.

The room erupted with a mixture of shock, curiosity, and whispers. "Finally I have a chance!" I heard someone say, I looked towards the direction, it was Chuck. I couldn't help but smile at the protective declaration. Just like him, The Gladers seemed hopeful now, excited even, thinking they now had a chance with me, but Newt quickly extinguished their hopes.

"I also want to announce... that y/n and I have been in a relationship for a while now." his voice grew more intense as he looked at me through the gladers. I was smiling at him, I've never been more proud of him. "which means, as the rule say, you can not try to get her or flirt with her... until she and I have broken up. I will happily throw you shanks in the slimmer or ban you to the maze if you do anyway."

There was silence as they tried to digest this. Most of them didn't seem surprised at all. Everyone's heads were turned towards me, as if they wanted me to confirm it. I looked up, shocked to see all eyes on me. "It's true." Was all I said, nodding my head a little. "I'm in love with him."

Everyone sighed, groaned as they were disappointed. It was interrupted when Fry raised his hand "If you're the new Alby now, who's going to replace you as the keeper in the garden". They started chatting to each other, and again Gally went and silenced them. "I thought the other gardeners would vote on it. "It is their keeper after all." Newt said, everyone seemed to like that idea.

I was hoping people would vote for me, I've been following Newt ever since I appeared here, and am the best after Newt. All the gardeners had a little discussion and wrote on notes that Newt then had to add up, with the help of Gally.

Newt whispered along with Gally, then nodded and turned to us. "Looks like Oliver is the new keeper of the gardeners." Newt said, some of the gladers (mostly gardeners) but the others didn't care and just wanted to get to work.

Even though I was sad and disappointed that I didn't become the keeper, I felt an overwhelming surge of love and admiration for Newt. He was stepping up as a leader, not only for the Glade but also for our love. The whispers continued, but I knew deep down that Newt would protect us, that he would guide us through this trying time in the Glade. And with Gally's unexpected support, it seemed the Gladers were finally willing to listen and follow their new leader.


Now the time was about 11 in the morning, and the Glade was bustling with activity. I had to digest that Oliver was the keeper of the gardener, and he already changed Newt's way of working. Which was hard to process and even understand sometimes. The others didn't like changing Newt's routines either. "Why didn't you vote for me then?" I asked as they stood buzzing when Oliver didn't hear. "Don't think you're going to get special treatment just because you screw the new leader." one of them said, anger boiling inside me. "I'm the one who looks the most like Newt out of everyone here." I said "Yes, I wonder why." Said another.The others laughed at his comment.

I have to say, it was harder now to be taken seriously when Newt wasn't here. It was then that I realized they never respected me, they respected Newt. I got so sick of them all so I left, I looked for Newt, but once I found him I saw how busy he was... so I left and was by myself for a while. I wandered until I came to the opening of the maze.

Chuck stood there, waiting for them. A few others were there as well. I asked one of them if it wasn't better for them to start working. "Newt said it was okay." I heard Chuck's response. I suppose Newt didn't have the heart to scold them and get them to work. I was in the middle of chatting with one of them but our conversation took to an end as I heard cheers from Chuck. I looked into the maze, there was Minho and Thomas, both struggling to carry Alby.

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