The movies ending

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Nathalie is now in the agreste manor colder then ever not knowing why adrien was all hurt and gabriel was arrested it wasnt shown on tv due to ladybug and cat noirs request incase if anything else happens after giving adrien an icepack she finnaly realizes how cold and lonely it is she wasnt close to her very secretive boss he even hid things from her. She walks over to the painting of his wife he was staring at more then usual she always saw him putting his fingers in the painting leading him to a seacritive place she knew the pattern by writing it down being curious she clicks the pattern as the door opens to a black room with skulls but as she walks more she sees a bed of roses in a coffin shape the lights turn on as she walks finding his wife though she wasnt shocked she knew he was hiding something then she got a text from adrien so she walked back but on her walk back she slips on a brooch in a peacock pattern to be specific it also had cracks in it "did I crack it?" she though. Curious she put it in her pocket and hurried to adrien already being late enough.Gabriel gave all of his wills to her after his life sentence.

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