Chapter 11

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Overseeing the entire harbor theoretically granted the Owusua family a certain degree of power.

Noori had never been one to abuse that power before. She, like her father and their family before them, took the responsibilities that came with their roles too seriously to ever try anything sneaky.

As she made her way up to Lourda's slip the following morning, head held high to evoke the confidence she would need to pull this off, Noori told herself that her plan was one of good intentions. Her methods were only slightly suspect.

She found Lourda's crew already hard at work unloading what was likely the last of their cargo. With fresh eyes, Noori took in The Kraken — the ship she now knew to be the work of paint magic and witchcraft. It was every bit as handsome up close as it was from afar, and Noori couldn't help but admire Keizsa's attention to detail.

If Lourda had actually purchased this ship it would have cost a king's ransom, Noori thought. Those paints he was supposed to give Keizsa must truly be special.

Someone whistled from the deck, catching the attention of a burly man at the end of the gangplank. He looked up from his inventory ledgers and glowered in Noori's direction.

"We registered yesterday," he barked in a deep, gravely voice.

Noori fought the urge to roll her eyes. She had been dealing with men like Bart Durmas her entire life. She wasn't about to be scared off by Lourda's second in command.

"Good morning to you too, Durmas!" Noori called brightly, her mouth fixed in a wide smile. "Yes, you did. Your respect for protocol is always so appreciated. I never have to chase you down."

"Then why are you here?" Durmas asked as he cocked one bushy eyebrow skeptically. Noori was barely two thirds his height and yet she could tell she had him shaken.

Noori gave the notebook in her hand a quick tap, earning a groan from Durmas.

"It's that time, I'm afraid!" she said, her smile saccharine.

"We don't have time for inspection," Durmas growled. "We set sail before nightfall."

"Really?" Noori replied, flipping through the pages of her notebook. Given that Lourda had just cheated a powerful witch out of a deal, she wasn't surprised to hear that he and his crew were planning on skipping town much earlier than expected. "It says here The Kraken is scheduled to be docked for another three days."

"Change of plans," was all Durmas had to say on the matter.

Noori hummed thoughtfully. "Well, be that as it may, protocol is what it is. Would you be so kind as to escort me to Captain Lourda?"

A low murmur rippled through the crew members clustered and listening in on the conversation behind them. Durmas' glower was intense but Noori stood her ground, smiling serenely all the while. With a grunt, Durmas caved and beckoned a small, fidgety crewmate over from the crowd.

"Take her to see the Captain," he said, his eyes still boring into Noori's.

The other man glanced between the two of them nervously. "But the Captain said he isn't taking any visitors," he countered in a hushed voice. His eyes darted to Noori and then behind her as if he were looking out for someone.

"He also said not to go causing any trouble, didn't he?" Durmas barked, making the small man jump. "These are the Owusua's docks and we play by their rules while we're here. Now go."

This was exactly what Noori had been banking on; if Lourda's crew was indeed guilty of piracy and whatever other unsavory business the rumor mill accused them of, it was their careful respect for the laws of the land that kept out of trouble. Surly and fearsome as the lot were, they were always particular about not drawing negative attention to themselves. Both Noori and Durmas knew it would have been supremely suspect for them to refuse an inspection. As she followed the twitchy sailor to the Captain's quarters, Noori pressed a hand to her racing heart and bade it to slow down; no one seemed to suspect a thing.

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