Chapter 27

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It took time to restore the port to its former glory. It took time for the city of Fernweh to heal.

While those afflicted by Vidonia's sickness recuperated, those of able body got to work rebuilding what her leeches destroyed. Captain Denali postponed her next sailing so that she and her crew could stay ashore and help with repairs. Dak put Noori in charge of overseeing the work so that he could focus on nursing Keizsa back to full strength.

"You saved my life," he explained to the art witch. "Now it's my turn to take care of you." 

The reconstruction efforts didn't leave Noori with a lot of free time, but she did manage to carve out a little bit to spend with Toddrick. 

"Well, I finally did it," he said one evening as he and Noori ambled along the waterfront. Even though the break in his ankle had healed, he was still building strength back in the leg. Noori didn't mind the slower pace — she appreciated having a reason to slow down for a change. 

Noori gave him a curious glance. "Did what?"

"I told my family that I'm taking Ol' Mudrick's apprenticeship. As soon as we have the stall back up and running I'll officially be out of the fishing business."

"Wow!" Noori exclaimed. "How did they take it?"

"Better than I expected." Toddrick grinned at her. "I mean, they're still disappointed, but they aren't mad at me. Dad said Mudrick'll be lucky to have me, which I think his way of saying he's proud."

"I'm so glad to hear it, Toddrick," Noori said. "You must feel so relieved."

They had arrived at the new boardwalk. The smell of fresh lumber mixed pleasantly with the salty brine of the ocean. Noori could see her father, Captain Denali, and Keizsa at the far end f the dock watching the sun set. Luck skimmed playfully along the surface of the water, making them laugh. The glow of the sun's final rays bathed Keizsa's face in gold. When she caught sight of Noori, Keizsa smiled. She was so dazzling that it made Noori's heart flutter.

"She makes you pretty happy, doesn't she?" Toddrick said, breaking Noori's reverie.

Noori flushed. "Is it that obvious?"

"Embarrassingly so." He winked and nudged her gently with his should. "I'm sorry for letting my jealousy get in the way of being happy for you. I hope you can forgive me for being such a bullheaded fool."

"I already forgave you," Noori said with a laugh. "Besides, you've always been a bullheaded fool."

Toddrick clutched at an imaginary string of pearls. "Is that any way to treat a man with a limp?" he balked, feigning indignity.

Laughing harder, Noori looked back to Keizsa, who was trotting out to greet them. For the first time in a long time, everything felt good and right.


When the repairs were finished and everyone was back in good health, a party was held in the market square to celebrate. Lanterns and ribbons were strung up between the stalls, transforming the former scene of battle into an enchanted wonderland.

The festivities stretched long into the night with food and music and dancing. As she spun Keizsa around the dance floor, Noori spotted her father sharing yet another dance with Captain Denali. His booming laugh carried over the music, and the Captain beamed up at him with adoration in her eyes. Perhaps Noori was just drunk on love, but she couldn't help but think they seemed a little cozier than usual.

"Might I steal you away for a moment?" Keizsa whispered in her ear when the song ended. Her question sent a thrill racing through Noori's insides. She nodded and let Keizsa lead her away from the crowded courtyard and back toward the water.

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