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Hi eek! I have juuust a few things to mention before the story ^^

First, I made a playlist for this fic! So if you're into listening to some music while you read, check the playlist out here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/16uc4NjIzkpIQxkNqAZBS4?si=BMq7es5RQ1iNoaPoqpQ8nA

Secondly, this can be read as a sequel to my other fanbrush fic; forever fall! Don't get scared off by that though, this fic should make sense even if you haven't read the other one :D

Oo, and Test Tube uses she/it pronouns btw :3

Alright then, thank you for reading and enjoy!


Fan looked out of the window of his hotel room, his flustered smile faltering as he caught sight of the gray clouds looming in the sky. Was it really going to rain today of all days? Fan took a breath and turned away from the window, bringing his thoughts back to Paintbrush. Gosh... Paintbrush...

Fan felt his heart lurch and he bit his cheek to conceal a lovesick smile from the eyes of his plushie collection. The colorful group of fluffy Pokemon, animals, and cartoon characters sat on Fan's shelves, silently rooting for him in their little plushie hearts. Or at least that's what Fan told himself.

He grabbed one of his favorites and swung it around before hopping on the bed with the plush tight in his arms. "Oh, Sylveon... what am I to do?" Fan cried to his button-eyed friend in an overly dramatic tone. Fan laughed to himself.

He. Was. Going. On. A. Date. With. Paintbrush.

Fan squealed and hugged his plush close to his chest, squinting his eyes shut and kicking around. He could barely contain his excitement for the day ahead!

"Fan! You should probably get ready instead of talking to me! You wouldn't want to be late!" Fan spoke in a high-pitched voice, moving the head of his plushie to his words.

"You're right Sylvie... I-I will!" Fan returned to his normal voice, giggling again and hopping off of the bed to return his fluffy friend to his shelf. "Lemme put on some music first," Fan talked to himself as he took his phone out and opened his trusty music app. He took a few minutes to scroll through his playlists and pick out the perfect song. While a soft beat started to flow from his phone's speaker, Fan skipped over to his bedside table.

He stood in front of it for a moment, thinking about what he could do to look extra special for his date. A bow tie would be too formal... glitter seemed like a bit much... but stickers would be just the thing! He could stick them to his paper to add more color to his look! Fan's eyes lit up as he picked up his reusable sticker book, full of all sorts of different shapes and characters to choose from. Fan mouthed lyrics to the song that was playing while he flipped through the book, aiming to find some stickers that he had never used before.

He eventually picked out a sparkly pink heart, a rainbow flower, a puppy face, a star, and a smiling rain cloud. It made sense to pick the cloud because of the weather today. It was too bad that the real clouds outside didn't have sweet smiles too. Fan stuck the stickers to both sides of his face, leaning up to his full-length mirror to make sure he didn't stick them on crooked. He looked really cute! A few beaded bracelets and silly bandz on both of his wrists were the finishing touches, along with his signature rainbow leg warmers.

Fan posed in the mirror, sticking his tongue out and making peace signs with his hands. While he made sure that every part of his outfit looked perfect, his mind wandered back to Paintbrush, as it usually did. Were they going to wear anything special today? Would they do something different to their bristles? Their face was so pretty, their bristles were so pretty, their laugh was so pretty, their eyes were so pretty, they were so pretty... Fan felt himself blushing as he continued thinking about his partner. He couldn't wait to see them. A few days before, Lightbulb had begged Paintbrush to have a sleepover in her room. Due to that, Paintbrush and Fan had planned a date today to make up for their night apart.

Rainy Day Date - Fanbrush Oneshot Where stories live. Discover now