Chapter 3: "Consequences & Betrayel"

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Upper Lake University - Mina & Sofia's Dorm

Upper Lake University - Mina & Sofia's Dorm

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8:45 PM

Sofia, lying down on her bad reading her favorite novel, becomes shocked when Mina rushes in. "Ahh, god, Mina! You scared the shit out of me!" Sofia yells. "Sorry." Mina replies harshly, as she crawls into bed. "Are you okay?!" Sofia asks her, as she notices her mood. "I'm fine. Good night." Mina answers dismissively. Going against her gut feeling telling her that something's wrong, Sofia brushes it off and rolls back over. And as Mina lied there, attempting to force herself to sleep, she can't seem to shake the drama she had just witnessed.


Upper Lake University - Marketing Lecture Hall

Upper Lake University - Marketing Lecture Hall

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10:00 AM

The marketing lecture hall is filled with eager students, buzzing with anticipation. Kandace sits nervously in her seat, clutching her assignment tightly. The room suddenly grows silent as Mr. Jones steps up to the podium with a condescending tone. "Good morning, class. Today we will be discussing your first marketing assignments." He goes. Kandace's heart pounds in her chest, as she anxiously waits for her turn. The professor starts calling out names, one by one, each student receiving praise and commendation for their work.

Finally, the professor reaches Kandace's name. "Kandace Jackson, step forward." He calls for her. All eyes turn to her, as she rises from her seat, her face flushed with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She walks up to the front of the lecture hall, clutching her assignment, hoping for a positive outcome. "Let's see what you've got, Miss Jackson." Mr. Jones smugly tells her. Kandace hands over her assignment, her palms sweating. The professor scans through the pages, his expression growing more disapproving with each passing moment.

He finally puts the papers down, fixing Kandace with a cold gaze. "Miss Stevens, your work is... appalling. It lacks creativity, analysis, and even basic understanding of marketing principles. I can hardly believe this is the result of your effort." He shreds her with a hint of mockery. Kandace's face turns crimson, her eyes welling up with tears. The lecture hall fills with stifled laughter and whispers, as her classmates revel in her embarrassment. The professor's words hang in the air, crushing her hopes and dreams.

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