Chapter 10: "Hidden Motives"

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The Upper Lake Palace - Caleb's Penthouse - Living Room

The Upper Lake Palace - Caleb's Penthouse - Living Room

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8:30 PM

The night air hangs heavy with tension as Chloe, Brian, Mina, Joselinè, and Carmen gather in Caleb's luxurious penthouse. The soft glow of the moon spilled through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting an ethereal light on the opulent surroundings. Each member of the group cannot help but to be in awe of Caleb's extravagant abode, but it was Joselinè who couldn't contain her excitement, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Oh my, God! Caleb this is nice! Let me come stay a few nights." Joselinè jokes. They all laugh. "Thanks, Joselinè. But it's my dad's place. And you all are welcome here anytime. Any friend of Kandace's is a friend of mine..." He tells them all warmly.

As the group settles into the plush living room, the atmosphere shifts abruptly when Sofia and Rodrigo enter, their faces etched with distress. The room falls silent, the once lively chatter now replaced with a thick silence. Chloe, unable to contain her curiosity, is the first to speak, her voice tinged with concern. "Rodrigo, what are you doing here?" She asks harshly. Her question causes offense, and Rodrigo's eyes narrow, a flicker of irritation crossing his face. Sofia quickly intervenes. "I'll explain later, Chloe." She says, her voice shaky. The room is filled with an air of apprehension, each person acutely aware that something is amiss. Sofia takes a deep breath, her voice quivering as she recounts the terrifying ordeal she had endured earlier.

"That psycho chased me from my dorm a few hours ago. I was able to make it to the elevator before they got me, but it was really close." She confesses. Her words send shockwaves through the room, and fear etched itself onto every face. Caleb, Brian, and Rodrigo, their protective instincts ignited, demand to know why their loved ones are being targeted. "What the fuck!" Carmen goes. "Why are you girls being targeted? I just don't understand this..." Caleb questions. "All I know is we're going to protect you all." Brian chimes in. The girls, their faces pale with fear, exchanged fleeting glances before shaking their heads in unison, their voices strained as they deny any knowledge of the perpetrator.

The tension in the room thickens, the unspoken understanding of the danger they all face leaving an indescribable weight in the air. Suddenly, the elevator dings and everyone becomes afraid as no one else was supposed to be coming by. The doors open and a pizza delivery guy is revealed with Caleb's order for the group. "It's just the pizza I ordered us..." Caleb scoffs with relief. Caleb goes and gets the pizza and prepares some shots and they all dig in. In that moment, a profound sense of unity envelops the group. They recognize the importance of standing together, of protecting one another.

As the night wore on, they sought solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from the bond they share. The clinking of glasses filled the room as they raise a toast, the expensive liquor burning their throats, a symbol of their determination to forge ahead. In the face of adversity, this group of friends became more than just a collection of individuals. They became a family.

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