109 : Pixelator

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If it weren't for Chloe who hadn't asked her father to approve our one day work experience field trip Mom would surely bring me to her work again.

Not to mention being the right hand of every political leaders is a heavy job which means she'll be barely home but the highest job always gives the highest pay.

So here I am today standing behind the desk which means as a receptionist while Chloe were too busy fiddling with her phone.

And while Mr. Bourgeois is looking for an assignment Alya could work on a guest entered the lobby making me stand straight as I gazed at who it was surprising me while I stared at the famous rockstar in front of me.


Its Uncle Stone!Uncle Stone!Remember me?"

I asked waving at him to get his attention as he hummed while turning his head to face me and his expression lit up.

"Ah,N/N my boy.

How surprising it is to see you here in the Grand Hotel,its been so long since I've last saw you and now look at you.

You've grown tall and even more good - looking like your uncle."

Uncle Stone complimented approaching the reception table as I laughed heartily while Mr. Bourgeois angrily approached the famous man.

"Excuse me,Sir.

But you can't-"

Mr. Bourgeois demanded as I quickly called him to give him a little reasoning while Uncle Jagged watched in confidence anticipating how I'll handle this.

"Mr. Mayor,sir.

This is my uncle,Jagged Stone.

He's a famous rockstar who sold millions of copies of his album and he's come here to perform tonight in Paris,so we can't have a bad review at your hotel if you're going to decline such an infamous man in your suite."

I reasoned as Mr. Bourgeois smiled and explained some high class services while I sighed in relief watching the two men talk and I noticed someone sneaking quietly.

"Great,this always happens when someone is a crazed fan."

I mumbled approaching the stalker as I pulled them out of their hiding spot by grabbing them on the shoulder while everyone turned at me in surprise.

"Y/N,what on earth are you doing?"

Ms. Bustier asked as I let go of the stalker while I stammered to find a reason and uncle covered for me.

"That guy is a crazed fan of mine and has always been following me for the last thirty - six shows of mine so I'd be delighted if he kicked him out."

Uncle Stone reasoned while I dragged the stalker outside as I gave him a little warning of what might come next if he continues his creepy hobby.

"Only costumers are allowed inside unless you have an appointment or booked reservation."

I advised walking back inside as everyone except for my uncle and his devoted assistant all stared at me in complete confusion with questioning looks painted all over their faces while Uncle Stone rested his arm on my shoulder handing me a bunch of dozen tickets for his tonight's performance.

"Here you go,always a good and bright kid just like your mother.

So why don't you come to my concert with all your friends?I'm sure they'd love to watch their famous rockstar perform on them tonight."

Uncle asked as I took the tickets and grinned while I cleared my throat to clear everyone's confusion and answer their questions.

"Sorry guys,I guess I forgot to tell you that Jagged Stone is my godfather since he's Mom's childhood friend so I've been around all his concerts before going here and I'm still watching it through my computer even the recent ones."

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