122 : Guitar Villain

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3rd POV

"So,how's the interview with Alya yesterday?Did it went well?"

Chloe asked painting her nails with a smile as she and Y/N sat on the deck bed on the rooftop while the h/c haired boy chuckled.

"I'd say it went pretty well,and she even posted the entire interview in the Ladyblog since it had hundreds of viewers and likes."

Y/N replied with a bright smile while a heavy sound made him hum and turn to where it came from as he looked over to the balcony hearing the notes played by an electric guitar.

"Huh,Uncle Stone's practicing for his performance again?"

The h/c haired asked in confusion while the blond teen glanced at him.

"Nope,from what I've heard his manager wanted him to perform a duet with this boring DJ XY when his music doesn't even have a taste of the music vibe.

And I'd say it's more like a perfume ad rather than music,but I think Mr. Roth is upset at him for being knocked off the number one throne because of the baby perfume."

Chloe replied with a deadpanned look while Y/N turned to glance at her in a questioning look.

"Hold on,my Uncle Stone,THE rock giant got beaten by a music jerk that doesn't even know how to make people dance with his music?

That does it!No one's beating Uncle Stone in the top charts unless it me."

Y/N acknowledged storming off to find the said DJ while Chloe quickly stood in front of him to keep him from doing any trouble.

"Calm down,N/N.

I'm sure this problem will be resolved,and maybe yet you should tell him that he'll be making a duet with you since I saw how you played solo and it's so amazing."

The blond assured smiling nervously at the raging male while Y/N sighed as he sat down on the deck bed with a worried look with his attention focused on the city.

"Your right,maybe I overreacted a little bit.

Or maybe I just the guy since his music is so...boring and unethical."

The h/c haired deadpanned making Chloe giggle while she pulled out her phone and dialled someone.


At the Dupain - Cheng's bakery Marinette were designing a new album for Jagged Stone when suddenly her phone rang as she quickly answered it.


What made you call me?Y/N's having a temper?Ohh...then I'll be there in a moment,I just need to finish the design Mr. Roth requested me for Jagged Stone's album."

The bluenette answered ending the call as she continued finishing the album cover and later she arrived at the hotel handing the album to the rockstar who was not pleased.

And while they were having a heated argument Y/N and Chloe arrived at the suite finding the bluenette in a tight situation making the blond scoff as she approached her friend.

"Excuse me,Mr. Roth,don't you think you're thinking too much of your greed to have someone do as they're told instead of having your client decide?"

Chloe asked holding the bluenette by the arm as she slowly dragged her away from the older man while the h/c haired teen approached his uncle.

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