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Firefly's POV

I ran after Tsunami,Sunny,Peril and Coyote as they stormed down the hall,Peril's firescales raging getting bigger,Peril learned how to control her fire scales but Crimson,Phoenix and Coyote don't,Coyote only has hot scales when he's really mad but he's gaining them,"BLUE!"Peril raged "huh? Oh hey,Peril" Blue smiled warmly "DONT HEY PERIL ME" Moth shivered and hid behind Blue"Moth,where is he?"Tsunami growled"here"Blue moved to the side and Moth shivered again "hey...Mrs.Peril"Peril towered over Moth "YOU,HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SON?"Coyote was crying a lot "h-h-he kep-ke-kept sh-sh-showing o-off"Moth stuttered "BUT DID HE EVER TOUCH YOU?" Axolotl walked behind me "What's this about?""Moth touched Coyote and made his leg bleed"Eclipse answered "he did what?"Frostfire stuttered "Answer the question,Moth"Peril growled,Alaska pushed through,wondering what happened,dragons started gathering as Moth started tearing up "MOTH ANSWER MY QUESTION"Moth shook his head and started crying "HEY"Blue growled with Cricket behind him "DONT YELL AT OUR SON"Cricket shouted "SHUT UP,DO YOU WANT THIS JOB OR NOT?"Tsunami growled "Your son touched Peril and Sunny's son and your here telling us not to yell at him,what should we do? Congratulation him? Oh Good job Moth,you made Coyote cry"Moth tried stopping himself from crying but he couldn't "still doesn't give you the right to yell at my son and make him cry-" Cricket stammered but stopped at Peril and Tsunami's glare,Phoenix came flying in "Woah,calm down,I know how to settle this"everybody looked at Phoenix "Okay,Moth should be suspended for a month of a week,Tsunami choice,Coyote should tell his part of the story but Coyote should get scolded but he is in the right and Moth isn't so CASE CLOSED"Phoenix stood there,with a *Deathbringer smug face* as my Mom calls it "Alright,I'll do inside suspension for a week because a Month is to long and I need students"Tsunami growled "Next time you touch one of my bestest friends son you'll be suspended for 2 months or a whole year than you'll have to restart this grade"Moth nodded as Coyote limbed away with Sunny,Peril and Tsunami to be questioned,I silently followed changing my scales to the stoney gray walls"Coyote,I want to know what made Moth mad" A flash appeared before my eyes,it was Coyote and Moth inside

"COYOTE" Moth growled,"Oh hey Frostfire,wanna fly with me?" "It's me MOTH" "Oh,then wanna fly with me?" "I can't fly" Moth roared "Oh,right uhm wanna hold my talon while we fly or I could carry you,or you don't have to fly with me,I just wanna feel the sun y'know"Coyote laughed "or you wanna show off"Moth growled again "Nope,I'm SANDWING-Nightwing-Skywing,I like the sun"Coyote offered his talon "No?" then Coyote ran to the open gap in Jade mountain and jumped out,but Moth ran after him and jumped on his right hindleg "changed you mind? Alright!But I think letting me carry you is better"Moth clawed at his leg like 12 times making it bleed like crazy "AAAAA"Coyote cried,trying to stay in the sky but failed and fell back on the rocks scrapping his right hindleg again on the sharp rocks"HAH,how you like that" "It hurts"Coyote teared up alot and just laid on the rocks while his right hindleg was in a pool of blood,tears rolling down his face

"O-M-G"I said out loud and ran to Sunny's office "Coyote,I understand you're in pain but CAN you please say something" Sunny asked "I CAN,I WAS OUTSIDE WHEN THIS HAPPENED AND HER START TO FINISH"I started panting "Ok what happened?" 

After telling the whole thing 

"That son of a Silkwing"Peril growled "he could listen to Starflight for the entire week"Tsunami face lit up "YES,HE WILL LISTEN TO STARFLIGHT WHEN HE HAS TIME AND WHEN HE DOESNT WE'LL FORCE HIM TO READ A BORING SCROLL,HAHAHAHHA THANKS PERIL FOR THE IDEA"Tsunami skipped away"uh oh,I think Moth might die of boredom"Sunny giggled"well thanks Firefly,we'll make sure he's punished mostly Tsunami will"

"Tick tock,tick tock Peril time's running out ⏳"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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