Chapter 39-40

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Chapter 39

Yuan Huaiyan's current physical condition was still weak. In order to minimize unnecessary disturbances, Yuan Huaijing did not publicize this news widely. He only informed a few close people, such as the housekeeper Yuan, Liu Yunlou, and a few others.

Liu Yunlou, overjoyed by the news, was planning to buy a plane ticket and fly back that day. However, because the green light was at a critical moment, they could only have a video call with Yuan Huaiyan to confirm that he was truly awake before giving up on the idea.

"Huaiyan, your body is weak right now, so please don't work. There's always more work to be done, but taking care of your health is more important."

"And as for the matters in the company, I'll leave them to Huaijing. He has been amazing these past few years, handling everything on his own..."

Liu Yunlou's familiar nagging almost made Yuan Huaijing roll his eyes, but luckily he understood that Yuan Huaiyan was lacking in energy at the moment, so he didn't go on for too long.

The video call ended with a simple "Mm" from Yuan Huaiyan, and then his gaze shifted to Yuan Huaijing, signaling him to continue where he had left off.

It was the second day since Yuan Huaiyan woke up. Yuan Yi'an had gone to school, and Zhao Yan was busy with work, so the spacious hospital room was occupied only by the two brothers, Yuan Huaiyan and Yuan Huaijing.

Taking advantage of Yuan Huaiyan's clarity of mind at the moment, Yuan Huaijing began recounting the events of the past four years, starting from the beginning.

There wasn't much to say about the company, just a few major projects completed, a team of dozens of people, and a few shareholders sent to prison.

Yuan Huaijing felt that it was more necessary to talk about the people like Feng Yiyao, at least to let Yuan Huaiyan know the sequence of events that led to his misfortune and to tell him that his efforts were not in vain.

After about half an hour of speaking, Yuan Huaijing paused to drink a large glass of water, finally realizing that he had covered everything he needed to say.

"So, brother, please get better soon. I don't want to be the CEO for even a second."

Finally, Yuan Huaijing ended with this statement and took another big gulp of water.

"These past few years have been tough for you, Ah Jing."

Yuan Huaiyan's voice was soft, and his speech was slow, but he managed to articulate the words he wanted to say.

As the older brother who had watched Yuan Huaijing grow up and was seven years his senior, Yuan Huaiyan understood Yuan Huaijing's personality the best.

Yuan Huaijing was intelligent and quick to learn since childhood, but he was equally quick to give up. He believed in enjoying the present moment and didn't care much about anything else.

For someone like him to stay in the Yuan Group for four years was truly exhausting.

"Let the past be. Let it go," Yuan Huaijing waved his hand dismissively. "By the way, we should find a time for me to return the shares to you. I have important things to do and no time for this work anymore."

Yuan Huaiyan needed rehabilitation for his body, but his mind was clear. Yuan Huaijing intended to hand over his tasks to him as soon as possible. After all, for Yuan Huaiyan, it was like returning to an old job, and he would quickly adapt.

Less than twenty-four hours after waking up, Yuan Huaiyan had already heard Yuan Huaijing declare "I want to go on strike" or similar statements at least ten times. If it were someone else, they might think that Yuan Huaijing was testing something, but Yuan Huaiyan knew that his younger brother genuinely didn't want to work.

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