Date Night ;)

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Aizawa wasn't much of a people person.

Hell, he hated being a person. He tried his best to stay off of social media and keep his name off the press. But, of course, there always had to be those sneaky little shits taking pictures of him.

Usually, he would apprehend the villain and leave. However, two nights ago, the drug smuggling case he was working on escalated and he had to stay on the scene when the paparazzi showed up.

Some lame reporter got a picture of him and now he was climbing the hero charts. Not enough to make him a top hero but still enough that someone recognized him while he was getting his afternoon coffee.

Back to not being a people person, Aizawa was fond of a couple of people. Specifically his best friends Yamada and Nemuri... and a specific hero that he has run into during a couple of different jobs.

Last night, for example. Aizawa was minding his own business when the little hero just had to make an appearance. It would've been fine if they had gone their separate ways after submitting their statements but nothing was ever that easy. Poor Y/N's rib snapped and started stabbing him in the lung, causing him to pass out.

And now Aizawa was insisting that Recovery Girl let him stay the night in Y/N's hospital room so that Y/N wouldn't wake up alone.

"That's fine. But, please hit the call button when he wakes up. I need to scold him, again." Recovery Girl hobbled down the hallway, her walking cane hitting the tile rhythmically.

Aizawa sat in the chair in the corner of the room. The plan was to stay awake but a couple of all-nighters in a row don't match well with Aizawa's lack of caffeine.

As he nodded off, he recalled how Y/N had felt so warm and fragile in Aizawa's arms.


I had tried to say something. I think it might've been "Bright." or maybe "Bitch." Either one would've been appropriate.

I squinted my eyes at the ceiling, trying to not let my sense of sight be lit on fire by the LEDs.

My eyesight finally adjusted and I glanced around. 

I was in a hospital room for what I can only assume was a broken rib. My attempt at sitting up was surprisingly successful. My chest was only sore and didn't feel like a god was trying to smite me.

I took another look around the room. Being able to see everything now, I noticed the dark figure slumped in the corner. 

"Eraserhead." I mumbled. My voice startled me at how scratchy it sounded. "Eraserhead." I said louder this time, trying to wake up the snoozing hero. 

"Aizawa!" I shouted at him, almost immediately regretting it as my throat fought back. I coughed and grabbed the plastic cup of water sitting on the bedside table.

Eraserhead finally lifted his head at the coughing. "Good to see you're awake." 

He reached for the call button. "Wait!" I reached my arm out, as if that would do anything. He paused and looked at me with daunting eyes. "Uh- at least let me mentally prepare for   Recovery Girl-san." I tried to make the sorriest 'please' eyes at him that I could.

It must've worked because he sighed and replied with, "Fine. You have three minutes to pull your shit together." He leaned back into the chair and crossed his arms.

I smiled at him and finished my water. "You brought me in?" I tossed the cup across the room, landing it in the recycling bin. I pumped my arms in a small celebration.

"Well you didn't give me a choice when you put your full body wait on me." He grumbled. There was something in his eye. A different emotion. I couldn't quite catch what it was before Recovery Girl slammed the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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