━━i. pretty faced luggage thief

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pretty faced luggage thief.

,,you can use that foul mouth of yours later tonight''

                                                                                                                            ━━ minho

                    SEON CHANMI SCREAMED, her patience was wearing thin as anger seeped through her body, burning through her veins to which it had caught up to her lungs, forcing the girl to take a shaky breath out.

"What do you mean my luggage was stolen!" The raven head exclaimed as dread weighed heavy on her bones.

"Miss, please calm down, we are trying our best to sort this situation out." The frantic receptionist was useless in the eyes of Chanmi, only panicking to call back up as to not get sued by the Seon family.

Never in the 17 years of Chanmi's life has she ever had her precious luggage stolen. All her designer shoes, Louis Vuitton purses, custom made dresses, Dior fragrances and her newly purchased Italian jewellery-they were all gone. The burning feeling of anger and annoyance was planted in the root of her stomach as she stormed away.

However, the moment she took a step away from the counter, Chamni felt a light tap on her shoulder forcing her to face the stranger that dared to lay a finger on her.

"Did you want your luggage, ma'am?" A strong British accent was heard as a smirk crept its way into the male's perfectly craven face.

A frown painted Chanmi's lips to which it had quickly been replaced with an angry scoff upon seeing who the stranger was.

"Minho! What the fuck, you were the thief that stole my luggage? I am going to kill you!" Chamni's anger deepened as it seeped through her veins; she was going to explode, but a little part of her, only a little, was slightly glad to see the guy again. She was never going to admit this to him but she had missed their heated banters, missed his irksome presence, she had missed Minho.

"Language, lady! There are children here, you can use that foul mouth of yours later tonight." Minho's breath got caught in his throat, he didn't even know why that came out of his mouth. The tips of his ears turned an alarmingly deep shade of crimson as he threw his best friend a wink to cover up his embarrassed state.

The raven haired beauty only let out a crude laugh before a snarl found its way onto her lips as she ignored the shivers that went down her spine when he uttered those words.

"You wish, Minho." Her response was short and sharp, not wanting to dwell on such thoughts that had entered her mind.

The two began to walk to the exit of the airport with Minho struggling to keep up due to Chamni's million dollar worth of designer all shoved into one abnormally large suitcase. However, the pair was quickly interrupted by an auburn haired girl with short blue manicured nails in contrast to her crimson coloured claws when Minho had accidentally hit the poor bystander with Chamni's luggage.

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