chapter four

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Third person's pov

Klaus just stood there staring at the fire as Elijah entered the room.

"The full moon is tomorrow brother" Klaus spoke. "After all these centuries it's finally time"

"I happen to see the witches, they may have found a way to spare the doppelgänger" Elijah told his brother.

"does it matter if she lives or not?" Klaus asks his older brother. "She is  meant to end." He said simply looking back into the fire.

"So she should die for your gain?" Elijah asked trying to not appear that he cares for the doppelgänger's friends Klaus lightly smirks.

"She is human a life means nothing." Klaus replied nonchalantly.

"And what of Valentina?" Elijah asked looking at his brother.

"All I know is she's not human I need to know about her she's not just a vampire she's something more" Klaus spoke

"I beg you to reconsider this." Elijah said stepping towards his brother. Klaus tears his gaze away from the fireplace and to his brother. He pushes off of the wall and walks towards Elijah.

"You wouldn't be as foolish to care for her."

"Of course not." Elijah lied. Klaus steps closer to his brother.

"Love is a vampires greatest weakness and we are not weak." He tells his older brother. "Elijah...we do not feel and we do not care." Elijah looks at his brother in the eyes with a sorrowful look.

"We did once." He whispered.

"Too many life times ago to matter. Tell the witches not to bother. The sacrifice will happen as planned" that's was the last this Klaus said before exiting the room.


There was frantic knocking on my door. I opened it up to see a distressed looking Katerina.

"Katerina? What are you-" she cut me off by grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of my room.

"No time, we must go!" She said running down the hallway with me in tow.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked her. She stopped at a corner stopping me as well. Next thing I know she smashed her lips onto mine.

"I'm so sorry Valentina! I love you" She told me surprising me by her outburst. "We are not safe here! Trevor came and warned me about Lord Niklaus intentions of using me for a sacrifice! He's a monster, he's a vampire!" She exclaimed. My eyes widened in horror I knew it I knew he was supernatural like me...

She grabbed hold of my hand as we began running again eventually making it out doors where she released my hand as we picked up our dresses and ran deeper into the woods under the night sky.


"Valentina my love please you must go faster!" Katerina yelled as we ran through the forest.

"I am trying!" I said. Then Katerina tripped over her dress and fell behind a log. I went to her level.

"Are you-" I was cut off by her pulling me into her and covering my mouth.

"They're here." I hear Elijah's voice.

So he is a monster too?

"Katerina! I know you're near!" Elijah yelled out.

"You as well Valentina" He said frightening me. "I can smell your blood Katerina" I looked into Katerina's brown orbs and noticed a small cut on her cheek and it was indeed bleeding I felt the veins under my eye show, I quickly looked away lucky Katerina did not notice.

"It's pointless to run. Klaus will find where ever you are"

"This way." I hear Trevor's voice say. "There's more blood over there." I sighed a breath of relief that Trevor has led them away. Katerina and I stood up and was getting ready to run when Trevor appeared before us pushing us against a tree.

"Head east. I cannot leave them a stray much longer."

"I can't run anymore." Katerina admitted.

"Never mind. There's a cottage. You'll both be safe. Go now! Go!" We did not hesitate to start running again. My feet were aching enough but I kept going in fear of my life.


Dawn started to break out. But I stopped for a moment once I saw a small cottage. I slightly smiled.

"Katerina." I breathed. We ran to it. Katerina

and I began to bang on the door.

"Help! Please help us!" Katerina said pleadingly.

An older woman opened the door partially only showing half of her face.

"Please. Help us." Katerina begged. The woman looked from Katerina to I.

"I don't invite strangers into my home." She stated before starting to close the door.

"Wait!" I said. "Trevor. He said you would help us." I told her breathlessly.

"Damn him." I hear a woman's voice say. "Always making promises I don't want to keep." The older woman opened the door more revealing a much younger woman. Her eyes widened once they laid eyes on Katerina.

"Let the girls in." She stated. The old woman opened the door fully as Katerina and I stumbled in and sat down on a chair panting attempting to catch our breaths from all the running.

"You must be Rose." Katerina said. Rose closed the door. "Trevor told me to show you this." She held up the moonstone. "To prove to show of who I say. Will you help us to freedom?" She asks Rose.

"You stole this from Klaus?" She asks in disbelief.

"It was to be brought to the sacrifice I grabbed it and made our escape." Katerina explained.

"People do not escape from Klaus. Anyone who tries ends up back in his grasp and anyone who run from him dies." Rose exclaims starting to grow angry.

"I know the risk we bring on yourself by looking for your aid."

"I am risking nothing." She says stepping towards us. "By nightfall I will take you both back to Klaus and ask him to show us all mercy." Rose dragged us into a room before locking us in.

"What are we gonna do?" I whisper.

"I do not know." Katerina responded quietly.

"If we die, we die together, yes?"

"I suppose." She says rubbing her thumb on my hand. I lean my head on her shoulder.


I heard the door opened.

"It's nightfall time to go" I hear rose said.

"don't give her to Klaus you bitch" I screamed she was shocked at my choice of words.

she snapped my neck I heard Katerina screamed my name then it all goes black.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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