'Reach For Me, Asher.' {Ashe POV}

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I try to sleep but the thunder is too loud. A memory pops into my head from when I was young.. 'Reach For Me, Asher.' Replays in my head for what feels like hours. I remember I was on the balcony of the Manor I lived in. It was a beautiful starry night. Me and my brother, Christophe were outside, watching a meteor shower. "Do you want to reach for the stars, Ashe?" Christophe asked. "Yes, Sir..." I replied. (Only being 12 at the time, and new to the Manor) "You don't have to be formal around me, you're my brother." He said as he ruffled my hair.

Christophe was so kind to me. He comforted me when I needed it. And now he's gone.... I cry a little at the thought as lightning lights up my room. I hide under my covers and cry more. About 10 minutes later, I hear a knock on my door. It was the comfort of my time at the Academy, Dimitri.

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