'Who Are You?' {Dedue POV}

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We run to tell the knights what had happened but his highness and the others get pulled back by hands. I chase after them. "SHHHUTAP!" I hear a girl yell. "Wait....Constance?..." Mercedes says "Hm? . . . . Oh! Mercie! Why didn't you say so?" She replies, hugging her. I'm so confused I look at the other four. One is about as tall as I am and he looks strong. One has short red hair. She looks very tired. Lastly there's a girl that has light purple hair. "Heh. I'm a boy, Friend." The purple hair was actually a boy. "Don't you dare hurt his highness....." I growl. "Scary." The boy says.

"Who are you?" Sylvain asks. "Oh. Sorry." The boy says. "We are the Ashen Wolves. Im Yuri, this is Constance, that is Hapi, and lastly, Balthus." Yuri bows as he says his name. "Why did you take us? We were in the middle of something!" Annette yells. "I know." Yuri replies. "Then why did you stop us?" I ask, a little pissed. "Look, I've known Ashe the longest. You think I don't spy on him?" Yuri says. ".....you spy on him..?" Ingrid says. "That's what I said, Darling." Yuri replies. Okay. This is getting weird.

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