'What happened to Those Two?' {Ingrid POV}

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"What happened to Felix?" I ask. "Oh I hope Him and Sylvain don't get hurt..!" Mercedes says. "It was probably me.." Ashe says. Why would he think it's his fault? "Ashe? What do you mean?" Dimitri asks. I'm curious, too. Ashe is never a problem for any of us. "Well..." Ashe sighs. "It's complicated..." he says. "Well, we don't want to give you pressure, Ashe!" Annette says.

20 minutes later....Felix and Sylvain both walk in, drenched. Felix is smiling and laughing! "Whoa, Felix?! Is that you?" Dimitri asks, Jokingly. "Oh shut it, you Boar!" Felix says, with a hint of joke in it. "Sylvain what did you do to him?!" I ask. "Oh...nothing. Just about how great a friend he is." Sylvain winks. "Okay I definitely see it now." Annette whispers. I laugh. Finally, everything is happy once more and we all fall asleep.

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