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[irl, social media!]




LILY INHALES DEEPLY, TRYING TO ignore the awkward silence.

she doesn't know how she was even able to leave the triplets' house, let alone go into a public place with one of them.

"so, is it good?"

"hmm?" lily snaps herself out of her daze, glancing at him in question.

he laughs at her awkwardness and the fact that she's zoning out. "the pancakes. are they good?"

lily laughs at this, her eyebrows knitting together. "you're asking about my pancakes?"

he rolls his eyes, not getting what's wrong with this. "yeah. so?"

she laughs again, playing with her fork for a few seconds.

after a few more seconds, she finally answers. "i just think it's a little weird that you're asking me about them when you literally despise pancakes, in general."

chris scoffs, rolling his eyes. "fine. i can just go back to ignoring you and saying my snide comments, if you want."

she scoffs. "i figured you'd do that anyways," she says. "actually, i'd rather you do that than this." she mutters, her words coming out a little bitter.

"what's that supposed to mean?" he asks, pausing his eating on his waffles. "would you rather i go back to that?"

"i just mean that this whole nice act is all fake." she explains, looking down at her plate for a second.

looking at her food suddenly makes her feel sick to her stomach, causing her to drop her fork to her plate. "i'd rather you just be yourself. matt and the others only said that we need to hang out more," she says, pointing between the both of them. "they didn't say we have to be nice to each other."

he rolls his eyes, trying to ignore how much he notices her sudden disgust with her food—she clearly didn't hide it as well as she thinks.

"so, you want me to go back to being an ass?"

she rolls her eyes. "look, you clearly hate me. and honestly? i have no idea why."

"actually, never mind. i do have an idea," she mutters, taking a sip of her pop, before setting it back down. "i'm not exactly the kindest person in the world."

"i mean, i clearly have my issues. and now that you know everything about me that there is to know?" she asks, shaking her head. "you have every right to not like me. and i can't force you to."

"seriously?" he asks, rolling his eyes at her when she shrugs.

"i don't hate you." he says, quickly becoming amused by the confused expression on her face.

"i just don't like how you treat yourself. and also the fact that we both seem too alike and it's kind of infuriating—i also find you infuriating."

𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 - 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑶𝑳𝑶.Where stories live. Discover now