note 6

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as your birthday comes closer, i get more anxious and excited to show you what i've been working on. i think it's funny how you forgot i told you i was going to do this. i remember i told you and i don't really think you believed i would, which is probably why it got forgotten. i know that it's not as long as i would've liked it to be, and i hope it's not disappointing. i've never really shared personal writing like this with anyone ever before, which makes me nervous. i mean really, this isn't as big of a deal as i made it out to be while building up the anticipation. i could've made this 100 parts if i had the time away from hockey and school and if i didn't spent all my time with you (which i obviously would rather spend every day with you than writing about you). i'm just trying to find as many ways as possible to portray as much love that i have for you as i can, since you couldn't never fathom it. so i know this gift is probably a little bit of a let down in some way, but i do hope you feel all the emotions i did through each poem and note.

DEAR, RYANWhere stories live. Discover now