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It was another hour of waiting in the cramped compartment of the plane, my legs were getting restless and Dylan - God love him, wouldn't shut up. I ignored him as I pushed my head phones further into my ears and turned the volume up.

I looked out the window at the tiny lights that would show up in the dark abyss. Harry would be the first thing to flash to my head when I thought about London. And as much as I would try to push him out he always found his way back into my thoughts. The lights soon started multiplying as we get closer to the city.

I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn to find Lucy giving me a warm, sleepy smile. She motioned for my to take my head phones out. I shake my head playfully motioning towards Dylan. She smiles and points to him, sleeping.

I nod, laughing slightly as I take them out.

"Are you excited?" She practically yells over the sound of the engine.

"Totally." I smile and she leans over me to look down at the now lit-up England. "I've waited for this practically my whole life."

The intercom interrupts up with some gibberish and I look at her with wide eyes. "What the hell did they just say?"

"We land in five minutes, you airheads." Dylan pip up making both of us jump. I scoff and reach over Lucy to slap him on the chest.

He sticks out his tongue at me, I roll my eyes and pick up my trash around me. Mumbling, "So childish." Dylan hears me though and sends a glare my way.

I shrug playfully. Once I get everything settled for us to eave the plane, I lean back into my seat and watch us lower to the ground out my window. Excitement starts to build inside me with butterflies as we get closer and closer to the runway.

Dylan leans over us to look out the window, looking over at me every so often to flash me a smile.

I couldn't help but giggle and smile at him and Lucy before continuing to look out the window as the wheels collide with the runway. Dylan gets thrown forward by the force, banging his head rather roughly against the tray on the back of the seat.

"F.ucking hell." He winces, rubbing the back of his head. I can't help but laugh, he sends me yet another glare. I pretend to pout, grabbing his head.

"I'm sorry baby, tell mommy where it hurts." I playfully jab at him.

He scoffs and pushes my hands off of his head. He moves away from me, crossing his arms across his chest. I roll my eyes because knowing him either he's playing, or he's recovering from hitting his head.

The plane soon comes to a stop at our new gate. I jump up from my seat as fast as I could when the doors of the plane open. I grab my carry on quickly and get out of the plane as fast as I could ignoring Dylan and Lucy.

"Wait or us B, my goodness." Lucy laughs, but I couldn't wait to get to the gate, and then out f the airport and finally..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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