D-7: Interview with Namjoon

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The next day after my interview, Mr. Bang called me up to his office. I didn't have anything to do today but stream some gameplay on TheHub. The viewers were trying to tell me cheat codes for a game that I was playing, so I laughed and told them that I wanted to win or lose fair and square.

After my gaming stream, I headed up to Mr. Bang's office and knocked on the door. As I poked my head in, I asked, "You wanted to see my sir?"

The big guy stood up from his desk with a camera and an iPad in hand. "Just a little project. I want you to interview Kim Namjoon-shi. It won't take too long." Mr. Bang said, smiling softly as he opened the door fully and grabbed me the iPad and camera.

I was a bit confused but nodded nonetheless. "O-okay sir. Which room is he in?"

"I think he's down in the parking lot. There's a gym center on that floor, so he's there for most of the day."

I nodded my head and raced down to the elevator. I passed by Sapphire unnie and proceeded to backtrack, gently rubbing her pregnant stomach as a greeting before racing back to the elevator. I took the elevator to the basement level, looking around for the gym. I barely even noticed it, but there was another entrance across the parking lot that had a symbol for lifting weights. I walked across the parking lot and entered the gym, getting greeted by the sound of music blasting through speakers, the smell of body odor and sweat, and the grunts of men and women working out.

I blushed slightly at the sight of a bunch of shirtless men working out, finding Jungkook at a pull up station. I even passed by Hoseok, who was doing burpees. I got to the weight lifting section and found Namjoon on a bench, scrolling through his phone. I stared at him a little, finding him unbelievably attractive in his workout shorts and loose muscle shirt. There was a sweat stain on his back and his chest, the shirt clinging to his hard muscles.

I made my way over to Namjoon and tapped his shoulder gently. When he looked up at me, a smile came onto his lips. "Lexi. It's good to see you," he said, standing up and shaking my hand. "What brings you down here?"

"I was told by Mr. Bang to interview you for something." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I fought down a blush as Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile. How can he be so hot and so cute at the same time???

"Okay. Just let me finish up my workout and we can go. Just have a few more reps to do. You can sit in here and watch me." Namjoon led me over to an unoccupied bench and sat me down, giving me a squeeze on the shoulder before he went back to doing his workout.

I watched curiously as he sat on his own bench, grabbing onto two handle bars that were near his head. Namjoon would pull the bars close to his chest, the weights behind him going up. Namjoon grunted softly and began doing this workout, repeating the process several times. I watched, blushing and a bit transfixed as his chest contracted and tensed up. I didn't wanna seem like I was eye fucking him(even though I really was), so I turned away slightly and began looking through the iPad that Mr. Bang gave me. It has a whole bunch of questions for Namjoon, even some questions from fans that he had.

I smiled at one of the questions, laughing silently. I made a quick note in my head to remember to ask this particular question before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and looked up at Namjoon, who had a small towel around his neck. He was sweaty and panting slightly, but otherwise still smiling. "All finished." He said, grabbing his phone and a water bottle.

I watched as he gulped down half the bottle and replied, "Had a good workout today Namjoon-shi?"

"Mhm. I would've done more, but I don't wanna keep you waiting in this place." Namjoon smiled sheepishly, his cheeks turning a bit pink. "I know gyms can be really hot and smelly... I know I can be a bit smelly too."

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