Chapter 2: Getting To Know Better

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School ended for the day and tomorrow was the weekend. Maybe she could ask Boscha if she could sleepover at her place. Her car had been sent to pick her up and she was greeted by her driver, Hubert.

"Good afternoon Miss Blight. How was school?" He asked, formal as usual. "It was an equal of alright and unpleasant Sir Hubert," she answered leaning her head against the door. "Now why would you say that if I may ask?" He kept his eyes on the road but occasionally he would look at the rear view mirror to see what Amity was doing. "Chase." That was all she said and Hubert understood. She may not be close to Hubert much but he was a good listener. He might know half the things Amity goes through either from her telling him or him seeing it himself.

As they arrive at the porch of Blight Manor, Amity stepped out of the car and said her thanks to him as he drove to park the car. Entering the manor with dread she felt like something was about to happen. She walked into her room and sat on her bed texting Boscha if she could stay for the night. While waiting for an answer, she grabbed some clothing pieces that she would wear for later, placing them on the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Placing her phone by the sink, she washed her face with water before she stripped he clothes off and stepped into the shower.

While she was rinsing her hair, her phone buzzed which caught her attention. She grabbed it from the sink and saw Boscha had replied. 'Sorry Ams, my cousins are staying over the night and you know how they are :(' Boscha replied. Then a typing bubble showed up showing that Boscha was typing something. When she sent the message Amity red it and replied right away. 'So what you doing now?' Typing she replied with, 'taking a shower.' While she waited for reply she quickly rinsed the soap out of her hair and by the time she finished her phone buzzed again. 'Wanna send me a pic ;)?' "Eww Boscha," she laughed. She sent an emoji flipping Boscha off.

Walking out she got herself dressed in a black skirt and a white turtle neck crop with long sleeves. She brushed her hair and decided to tie it in a simple ponytail. Grabbing white socks with matching platforms she put the socks on and sat on her bed—her shoe by the foot of the bed. 'I'm done. You?' As soon as she hit enter, Boscha replied, 'alright. Meet me at the club in 5.' Reading that, she slipped on her shoes, grabbing her bag and walked out of her room and down the flight of stairs.

"Going somewhere, mittens?" And there it was. The uneasy feeling. She turned around to come face to face with a woman with green hair who was in her mid-forties standing at the top of the stairs. "Yes, mother. Boscha has invited me to hang out with her," she answered with a fake happy tone and smile. "I see. Have you finished your homework?" Amity nodded. "I'm sorry but you would have to cancel your plans with her tonight." Amity knew she wasn't sorry."Why is that mother?" Her mother shoot her a glare for asking but still answered. "The Andersons and I have arrange a meeting for you and their son, Christopher tonight. You will be left with him tonight in the manor while me and your father discuss business with them. You are going to impress him or else." She nodded then remembered.

Just what she needed. Another play date with a pig who would treat her like an item. She nodded but then remembered something, "aren't the Nocedas coming over tonight?" She wanted to escape the play date with Luz's cousin, Hunter Noceda because even he didn't want to be forced into these. He didn't have much of a controlling life like Amity but he still didn't want to forced into a marriage when Amity didn't want to. Both he and Amity had plan to escape the date tonight but it seems that fate had other plans. "I understand mother. May I be dismissed?" Her mother gave her a nod and she walked back into her room. She sat down on the bed, grabbed her pillow and screamed into it. She was having a small tantrum by throwing the softest things she could find and threw it to the wall as to not knocking anything down.

Grabbing her phone she opened Boscha's chat and typed, 'can't come. Got a 'date' with the Andersons.' Boscha quickly read the message and replied, 'damn guess I gotta get home alone drunk tonight again lol.' Amity rolled her eyes and sent an emoji flipping her off again. She texted Hunter who was online at the time. 'Hey Hunter. Can you come over?' She texted. Hunter quickly replied with a bunch of questions marks then asked, 'I thought you wanted to ditch it? What possessed you to do this?' He joked. 'I don't wanna be home alone with the Anderson's son.' He didn't question it and told her that he'll be there.

Like said before, she wasn't close with anyone but Boscha. Hunter and her were just friends but they both could come to an agreement that no one should be forced into things like this.

Quickly she changed into something more formal and did her usual half-up-half-down hairstyle. She stayed in her room until she was called by one of the maids. She got out of her room and saw a boy with brown hair that was a bit messy standing with his parents. He wore a black suit with a bow. He came into eye contact with Amity and Amity could see he had emerald green eyes.

It was pretty if she was honest.

The same time they stood there talking to The Blight Parents, The Nocedas also at the same time, much to Amity's surprise she saw Luz there with him. She was hoping that Luz was just there to send him because Luz was just wearing a plain grey shirt, a red hoodie and black jeans and what surprise her is the matching coloured red beanie that she gave Luz all the while back in 3rd grade. She had never seen Luz wore it before because it was too big for her but now her she is wearing it. The 3 young adults stood there waiting for more orders as Odalia was talking to The Andersons, Joseph Anderson and his wife Melinda Anderson. Beside them was a couple who was Evelyn W. Noceda and Caleb W. Noceda. Funny right? Caleb was adopted by Luz's abuela at a young age along with his little brother Philip. You could say Luz and Hunter weren't really related.

As the 3 pairs of adults finished their little fancy chat they all took their leave leaving the 3 young adults and a 17 year old girl alone. It was all silence until Hunter sneezed. "Sorry," he apologized. Then it was quiet again which was really awkward. "So...what do we do now?" Luz asked obviously getting annoyed by the awkward silence. "I have no idea," Christopher said. "Do you guys have chips? I've been craving them since this afternoon," he continued. " mean fries or potato chips like Lays and Pringles? Because we have both." She asked confused since he spoke in a British accent. "Ah right, the potato chips. Any would do." Amity told the one of the butlers to grab a chip bag and pass it to Christopher.

"Well instead of standing here like princes looking at a princess on top of the stairs waiting for who she would chose to dance with like in the fairytales can we do something? Or else I might as well find something to do," Luz said in a monotone voice. "Very specific on how you say that," Christopher said as the butler came back handing him a bag of Lays. "Who are you again?" She asked. "Christopher William Anderson but you can call me Chris."

About few minutes if getting to know each other they all settled in Amity's room which was really uncomfortable to her but it would be even weirder if all the maids and butlers saw that all the four did was start cussing telling jokes. It all started when Luz talked about how Hunter fell flat on his face when he first went on a date then to Hunter who told something about Luz making everyone else laugh harder. The same time they were laughing Amity accidentally snorted and all of them looked at her. She was covering her mouth and nose from the embarrassment with her hands. Luz was the first to laugh again saying how Amity sounded stupid when she snorted making the others laugh too.

"And here I thought we'd be having a lame conversation about business," Luz said trying to ease the pain in her stomach for laughing too much. "I can agree with that Luz," Chris said wiping a tear from his eye. That's when he looked at Amity who was just giggling. At that point, something peaked his interest in her. "My my. Why do your ears flap like that? And why is it pointed?" He pointed which Hunter and Luz looked at. "Oh this?" She held her ear to stop it from flapping before continuing—albeit her face was slightly red. "It's a genetic disorder. My mother thought it was horrid but soon she started to brag about how I'm smarted because people with ears that are pointed are better. I hated that so I hid it. Soon, I just got used to it being in the open. Mom doesn't brag about it anymore," she answered. "How peculiar yet so...fascinating ," he said. "Yeah she looks straight out of a fantasy book," Hunter added to which Luz and Chris agreed.


"See it's doing the little fwip fwip again," Luz pointed at Amity's flapping ears. "Luz! We agreed not to use it in front of anyone but us!" Amity said in embarrassment. "Fwip...fwip?" Chris questioned. "Yeah. Every time she gets happy or excited, her ears starts doing that. So instead of saying it's flapping, I called it fwipping. Pretty cute y'know." Amity mentally screamed cuss words at Luz and threw the pillow she held in her arms at Luz's face.

Few minutes later, Chris switched topic instead of saying how Amity looks like an elf and that Luz wanted to dress her up as one and put her on a shelf. But it was probably better than Luz's other idea of what Amity should wear. "If I were to be honest, I do not want to actually get married to Miss Blight," he stated. "Why?" Luz questioned. "Well, my parents just want me to marry her to expand business. I'm truly sorry Miss Blight. I wish we hadn't come to this way but I do not want to marry someone that I do not like. Even more if I was not the one to choose who I want to," he said guiltily. "It's fine Chris and please stop calling me Miss Blight. Just call me Amity and I understand. My mother is doing the same thing to your family to the point I can't even count how many play dates I've had with other guys. And let me tell you this, it did not go well." Chris's guilt left him as Amity said that.

They all fell silent. And Luz being Luz was not the type to have that so she spoke. "I'm gay," she said and Hunter started laughing like he was being tickled. Amity and Chris looked at her. Amity in surprise and Chris in confusion. "I'm sorry but isn't gay used for men? Not women unless you're actually a guy." His brain was turning gears. "Oh no I said that to break the silence. I hate it." Hunter was still laughing on the ground holding his stomach. "Wait wait wait, so are you gay or not?" Amity asked. "Gay is for men is it not? I thought lesbian is the term you would if you were a female?" Chris was very confused as he looked for Amity. "To your question Amity no I'm not gay, I'm bisexual. Gay pretty much means that but it's like the shortest way to say you're not straight like it's just one syllable. Unlike the word lesbian it's like les-bee-ian. See, 3 syllable," she answered the questions. "Ok I might be dumb but what is a 'by-sexual'? I have not heard of that." His brain kept turning gears to what was going on. "Oh it means I like both girls and guys," Luz answer and Chris finally stopped the gears. "Oh really? I have never known that was a thing. So does that make me bi? If I have these butterfly feeling when I hang out with my friend?" He asked feeling his face flush a little. "Hmm maybe. If you don't find anything for girls then maybe you're gay." He made and 'o' with his mouth. "So you're bi then what are you?" He asked Hunter. "Me? Oh I'm bi too. I have a thing for both genders," he answered. "That is good to know that we're all gay. Did I use that the right way?" He asked. Luz happily nodded. "Well then my fellow gay mates. It was good to be honest to each other. This room is full of gays," he said before someone cleared their throat.

They turned to look at Amity was just listening to their conversation. "Oh I forgot you existed," Hunter said making Luz laugh. Amity quickly slapped her arm leaving a stinging pain. "Why'd ya hit me for? Hunter said it," she laugh rubbing her arm where Amity had hit her. "You laughed at me." She gave Luz a glare before speaking. "I'm not even gay or anything." Hunter was about to say something but Luz cut her off. "Don't worry Amity. First stage is always denial for being a lesbian. Second stage is no daniels," she stated making all the other laugh.

"I am not a lesbian!" She yelled at Luz. "Oh yeah?" She got up from where she was a sat next to Amity and leaned in to her face. "You wanna test that? You never know it if you don't try." She inched her face closer to Amity and Amity could feel her hot breathe against her cold skin. When their nose touched Amity let out a squeak and slapped a pillow in Luz's face. "Awww c'mon. It was just getting good," Hunter whined. "I must say, it was interesting," Chris added.

About two and a half hours later, the adults have come back. One of the maid had called for them to come down which was surprising to Odalia because she never thought she'd allow anyone else in her room other that staff and family members. Before they even got out of the room, they fixed theirselves then got out. "Welcome back mother, father, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Noceda. How did your evening out go?" Amity asked as she greeted them. "How polite of you to ask dear," Mrs. Anderson said before continuing, "it was pleasant. Your mother told me everything about you. What she surprised me the most is about how you have been getting good grades since young," she gushed to which, Amity did not like. She wanted to say things like, "did my mother told you about how I almost tried to set the house on fire?" Or, "I only got good grades because she would force me in ways you probably didn't know was possible."

As they all left, Amity was about to go into her room but was stopped by her mother's cold voice. "Mittens darling." She plastered a fake smile and turned around to face her mother. "Yes mother?" She asked. "Why were they in your room? Do you not usually have your conversations in the living room?" Her mother was curious. "I found that they were all, aside from the Nocedas, good friends," she answered. It was the truth. Chris and her were getting along like good friends. "I see. Well then have you decided who you would want as your future husband?" Her mother raised an eyebrow but Amity shook her head. "No mother. I have yet to decide who." Her mother only kept quiet and dismissed her to her room.

Changing her clothes, she wore a small black tee—that showed her stomach—with a simple yet cute cat on the top right of it and white shorts. She cleaned the cups and other things on the floor when she saw a piece of clothing on the ground. She picked it up and saw it was Luz's red hoodie. She placed it onto her shoulder as she continued to clean up and placed the cups and other utensils they used outside her room on a tray. She walked into her bathroom and got ready for bed. As she walked out of it she took a look at Luz hoodie. "Would it fit me?" She put on the jacket and it wasn't a surprise that it didn't fit her. The sleeve was a about two to three inch longer than her arm. She was about to take it off but had other things in mind.

She suddenly had a photo shoot session in her bedroom of her wearing Luz's hoodie. She took a bunch of pictures of herself in the mirror wearing it. After what seemed like half an hour she saw her photos were filled with pictures of her and the hoodie. She was busy looking through her phone that she forgot she had the hoodie on to the point she fell asleep with it.

Idea by:

Written by:
Bubbly & Toast

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