006 | "this is your car"

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I woke up from the sun hitting my face, i let out a small groan as i stretched a bit. "Morning." I raspy voice said, i turned my head and dom was awake, "did i wake you up?" "No no i was awake before you" he yawned. I was about to stand up until he wrapped his arms around my waist and brung me down, making me laugh. "Dom we need to eat breakfast!" I laughed as i looked into his eyes and so did he.

We looked at each other for too long to be "friends". I got off him as there was an unsettling awkwardness. I left his room and grabbed a wall. My breath started to quicken. I slid down the wall onto the floor to stable myself. "Breathe" i whispered, as i felt everything close around me. My lip started to tremble.

"Come on mija i got to teach you how to drive!"

"Mom im gonna crash the car!"

"I doubt it."

Tears started to flow down my face as memories flashed in my brain, i wanted to scream. My hands gripped onto the floor, "dom!" I shrieked as my voice cracked, tears swarmed down. The door burst open and dom crouched down, "come on baby breathe" he whispered, he grabbed my hand and started to kiss it, he hugged me tight as my breath was trembling with my body shaking, "your worth everything. I mean everything" dom whispered to me. "I-i miss her" i choked. "Oh vale" he said as he kept me in his embrace and looked at me.

"She's proud"

"Look at you come on, i grew up with you. You turned out amazing" he added as a smile formed on my lips. He wiped me tears away and kissed me on the cheek. "Come on lets have breakfast" he said as he slowly picked me up and put me on his back, "hmmm this is giving me flashbacks when i broke my leg in Highschool from dance" i sniffled as i laughed a bit.

We headed downstairs as Mia gave us both a look. "Did she break her leg again?" Mia teased, "no no" i chuckled a bit. I got off of dom and smelt what Mia was making, "pancakes?!" I exclaimed, "you bet" as she laughed a bit.

she finished cooking and i ate them quickly, "who didnt feed vale?" dom teased, "you" i chuckled, as mia started to laugh.

i heard a knock on the door and i opened it too see letty, "letty!" i exclaimed and higged her, "is she drunk?" letty teased, "ha ha" i sarastically said as i let go, "im joking!" she laugh as she hugged me. "thats what i thought" i chuckled. I dragged her through the door and went upstairs. Jesse was gone from my room. "Oh thank god Jesse isn't here" i said as i removed the sheets and the duvet from my bed. "Jesse in your room?" Letty chuckled, "no he hooked up with someone" i said, i put them on the floor and sat on my naked bed. "Wow dom's shirt" letty teased, "will you ever shut up" i remarked, "never!" She sung.

———— 1:30pm

"Dom!" I yelled, "what is it?" Dom asked, "the harry service?" I said as i showed him the files, "hold off on that" he said, "dom! I don't know what to do with it!" As he walked off. A car came to our view and i scrunched my eyebrows. I walked to dom as he wrapped his hands around my waist. "Alright what the hell is this?" As he leaned on the wall, one hand on my waist and the other on the wall. Blondy came out of nowhere and pointed at the junk infront of us.

"This is your car" "This isn't a car" i chuckled, "my car?" Dom said as Jesse hit the car a bit, "i said a ten second car not a ten minute car" he remarked, as i took his red bull and drank a bit of it. "You could push this across the finish line..or tow it" Jesse said as everyone started to laugh, "you couldn't even tow it across the finish line" dom added, "no faith" blondy said, "oh i have faith in you but this isn't a junk yard this is a garage" "hey pop the hood" Brian said, "pop the hood?" I repeated, "pop the hood!" Brain repeated as he looked at me, and doms hands tightened on me. "Jealous are we?" I turned to him. "Not jealous just don't want to take what's rightfully mine" he whispered into my ear as a chuckle left my lips.

We took the car down and put it in the middle of the garage. Jesses opened the hood and i saw the engine. Jesse was blabbering on about something but i was zoned out the whole way. Looking at the floor as i bit my nails. "Hey you alright?" A voice echoed in my ears as i jumped a bit. It was Mia. "Hi" i replied, "you good?" She asked, "yeah yeah!" I exclaimed, "um i just gonna get some water" i said as i walked away from everyone.

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