020 | " why? "

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It was the night after the party and i was trying to hook-up with someone, letty didn't approve.

It was pitch black there were no stars today.

I was walking away from her, "Valentina!" She yelled as she grabbed my hand and i turned too her.

"You are suicidal" she stated. "When are you gonna stop suggesting im suicidal?" I said, "when you start acting like somebody that wants to be alive." Letty explained.

"Im not doing this!" I yelled as i walked always from her, "why?" As i stopped.

"Because im not fucking suicidal!" I yelled as my voice cracked. "And if you think that well your wrong" i added.

"What happened last year when dom almost died?" "I took some pills too sleep you think i did that for the kicks?!" I replied to letty.

"You pushed everyone out of your way and you stood right next to the fire!" Letty yelled.

"I WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOU GUYS!" I yelled as tears started to flow down my cheek.

"Why is it that every other person in the building had a sense to run away from the fire" letty said, as i looked at her. She was right. Nothing came out of my mouth.

"you know people run away from this line between life and death. you seem to stand on it. wait for a strong wind to sway you one way or the other" as tears flowed down my cheeks, after what letty said as she wiped them from my cheeks.

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