Meat Pies and Characters

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After the incident with the chairs Iris Imogen and I quickly finished our cleaning and headed down to the kitchen. When we got there Gene handed me and Imogen a tray with the meat pies we had prepared earlier.

"Go to the study," she said, "and give these to the boys."

"Umm... where is the study?" I ask

"Imogen will show you," she said gesturing for us to go

We headed down the long hallways of farther wood not making a sound except for the light jingle of the silverware. Imogen stopped in front of a door she knocked on the door and opened it. The three boys were there sitting at a table and a woman with a round face and curly black hair was sitting at a desk in front of the boys I almost laughed when I saw the glare Imogens was giving Sage. Imogen set the trays on the woman's desk, what was her name again, ah yes mistress Havala. After I set down my try Imogen and I left the room.

We headed back down to the kitchen where Gene informed us that we could have a break.

"You on break too?" a voice asked from behind startling me.

"Iris!" I scolded, "Don't do that!"

"Sorry," she said "but you are going on break aren't you

"Yes," I say

"Are you going anywhere in particular"

"No, just back to our room"

"Oh, okay," she said "I'm going out to the gardens"

"Have fun!" I said as she left hurting in the direction of the garden

Imogen and I started toward our room. We made it there rather quickly I opened the door for Iomgen and shut it behind us. Imogen went to sit on her bed but stopped as I made it to mine.

"Philipa?" she said a question in her voice

"Yes, Imogen."

"This has been nagging me for some time now," she said hesitantly

"What is it?' I asked

"This world is a story and everyone has a role in it... correct? she asked

"Yes," I say

"What's mine?" she asked 

"You're a supporting character," I said. I would not disclose how much of a supporting character she was.

She let out a breath before saying "But who is the main character?

"Your ready to know who the main character is," I said matter of factly, she nodded. Last night I had calculated the risks of telling her that Sage was the main character, 'on the one hand she would have more reason to help Sage in the upcoming battles. But on the other hand, it could get in the way of their relationshi-'

"You don't have to tell me," she said frantically, I took too long to answer her.

"No, I'll tell you..." I said "But only if you don't treat them any differently."

"I can do that," she said with surprising excitement

"Okay the main character is-" I was cut off by the door slamming open

"Phillipa, Imogen," Iris shouted 

"What's wrong?" I ask

"One of the orphans, the one with the lightest hair, Sage I think," she said

"Spit it out," I said glaring

"He got on the master's new horse the untamed one," she said continuing "The horse ran off with him and now the master wants everyone's help looking for him."

When she finished I looked at Imogen and asked "Who do you think the main character is now?"


Authors Note

Hi there! I'm so glad you're still with me on this story. It's been a blast to write so far, but I'm a little stuck on how to handle Philipa telling Sage the truth. I could definitely use your help figuring it out. What do you think would be the best way to go about it? Let me know! 😁

Here are the options, the chapter numbers are for if you want to look up the actual scene.

Chapter 22 - Sage discovers the secret passages. 

Chapter 28 - After Tobias threatens Sage in the secret passages.

Chapter 32 - After Sage speaks with Amarinda.

Chapter 36 - During Veldergath Attack before Imogen shows up.

Chapter 41 - During the riverside scene with Mott.

Chapter 51- After everyone leaves Sage and Imogen to enter the castle.

Chapter never - Because were insane 

Voting does not end until all options are eliminated, for example when I reach chapter 20 on the false prince book chapter 22 will be erased from the options.

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