Chapter 1: The Beginning

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— Lorne! We didn't come this far for this purpose! We can create the future we dreamed of when we were young! — I shouted in despair, trying to convince him to let go of the wireless control device of Groanbold.

Groanbold: A bio-robot, half animal, half machine, made of living muscle tissue, which Lorne and I, along with the F.L.A.R.E. team (Former Laboratory for Analysis, Reconstruction, and Exploration), developed.

— Lorne! Please! — Dr. Gerlane pleaded from the other side of the steel bridge between her and Groanbold.

— Genê, this wasn't "our dream"... It was your dream! — Dr. Lorne emphasized — this is our creation, Genê! And our dreams are embedded in it! Don't try to stop me... This is our destiny! Groanbold will transform this planet! Can't you see?!

— You made the promise too!... — Dr. Gerlane exclaimed — look at me!

— The tests were satisfactory... It will adapt to this world... — Dr. Lorne said, lowering his head — the promise will no longer hold after this day!

Lorne was blinded by his uncontrollable desire to showcase their creation to the world, and that's what altered the course of all humanity forever.

— Genê, you can't stop me, please step aside — he calmly warned.

— Satisfactory?! — Dr. Gerlane indignantly questioned — Groanbold is not ready for socialization yet!

— I'm sorry, Genê, I'll explain everything to you after it's done — Lorne said after breaking the main control of the automaton into pieces.

— Lorne! Stop! — Dr. Gerlane shouted, running towards him.

Lorne approaches Groanbold and inserts a microchip into its head, activating its automatic system immediately.

— Don't doubt it! This will be the greatest creation of the human species! — Lorne exclaimed, turning his back to Dr. Gerlane and observing the robot booting up.

She rushes past Lorne and jumps onto the humanoid, searching for the location to remove the control microchip, and Lorne goes after her.

— There's no turning back! Get off there, Genê! Quickly! — Lorne yelled in concern.

— Did you remove the safety mechanism?! — she asks, astonished, as she jumps off the bio-robot.

— It won't be turned off... ever again! — He clarifies.

— Matrix Software installation complete — we hear Groanbold's status sound — initiating installation of the artificial intelligence.

Dr. Gerlane goes to Lorne, striking him with frenzied blows out of her indignation.

— Genê! Stop! — Dr. Lorne shouts, overcome by emotion.

— I'm going to inform the council! — she says, attempting to leave the testing bridge.

— No, you're not... — Lorne whispers.

He shoots Dr. Gerlane with a stun gun, causing her to fall unconscious to the ground.

— Free Artificial Intelligence installation complete. Initiating The Groanbold Project.

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