Chapter 3: A New Face

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A.N: Hey, everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of the story! ^^ Sorry I was away for so long.  Finals were brutal and then I spent the first couple weeks of break trying to finish up last season's Battle Pass.  But now, I'm back! :D

So, in the last chapter, we saw Halley and Leelah as they were heading to the beach for snow cones.  But they ended up getting more than they bargained for when they found a girl washed up on the shore instead.  Who is this girl? How did she arrive on the island? Find out now!


   All was quiet in the yellow house.  The only sounds that could be heard were the clock ticking on the wall and the heater kicking on. 

   It had been several hours since Halley and Leelah arrived home with the strange girl they found washed up on the beach.  The young woman was still out cold in Leelah's room.  Each girl took turns checking up on her, but there wasn't much progress. 

   The two friends finally decided to order a pizza from the Pizza Pit to munch on while they waited.  But every minute that went by felt like an eternity. 

   "Halley, it's been three hours.  Do you think that girl is okay?" Leelah asked worriedly,

   The raven-haired girl sighed and shook her head.  "I don't know, Leelah.  She was in pretty bad shape when we found her."

   "Do you think she'll ever wake up?" Leelah asked,

   "She probably will eventually."  Halley shrugged,

   "When?" Leelah asked,

   "Who knows? I've heard stories about people who were out cold for days; weeks even."  Halley replied,

   Leelah slumped back in her chair as she let that information sink in.  But then another question crossed her mind. 

   "But, if she's from another reality like us, how is she going to react?" She spoke up,

   "I don't know.  Remember what it was like for us when we first got here?"  Halley asked her,

   The girl in pastel nodded her head furiously, "Oh yeah! It was all so frightening and confusing at first!"

   "Exactly.  No doubt it's going to be the same way for her."  Halley told her,

   Leelah gasped and cupped her hands over her mouth.  "Oh the poor thing! She's going to be so confused when she wakes up!"

   "Right.  We're going to have to be patient with her, and help her out in any way that we can."  Halley said,

   "I just hope she wakes up soon."  Leelah said,

   Unbeknownst to them, they were about to find out. 


   Just upstairs, the unconscious girl laying in Leelah's room finally showed signs of awakening.  Her eyelids fluttered open, allowing her to stare up at the white ceiling. 

   The girl groaned as she put a hand to her aching head. 

   'Urgh...What happened?' She thought to herself,

   The pink-haired woman groggily sat up and rubbed her tired eyes with her arm.  After blinking a few times to clear her sight, she was confused as she looked around the small bedroom. 

   'Where am I?'

   She attempted to stand, shakily lifting herself from the bed and standing straight up.  Her knees instantly turned to Jell-O causing her to wobble slightly, but she managed to regain her balance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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