24 | Nina

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Nico slides me a surprised look as I plop down on the sofa next to him in the living room. Santo has been God knows where all day, and I find that I enjoy Nico's presence. He's quiet and relatively shy, similar to me. When I need a quiet moment, he's the one I prefer to be around. 

I get the sense he feels similar. Sometimes I feel that he wants to ask me things but is holding back. Nico seeks me out at random times, sometimes to just sit in silence while I go about my business in the kitchen or playing with Pistachio. I hope I can become someone he confides in. This odd... care I feel for him is new. Maybe it's what I might have felt for Carlo if things hadn't turned out the way they did.

Ever since everyone became aware that Santo and I are involved—thanks to Tommaso making a lewd announcement and toast at dinner—the brothers' attitudes towards me have changed.  When I join the men for meals, it feels more normal. The other day, Tommaso let me choose which restaurant they were going to order from. Massimo is a big fat question mark to no one's surprise, but Nico... he's been acting strange. 

Sometimes I catch him looking at me with this upset look on his face. Part of me wonders if he just feels awkward with the fact that I'm fucking his brother, but there could be more to it.

"What are you playing?" I ask, observing him in the middle of what looks like a first-person shooter game on his Xbox.

"It's, um... you wouldn't like it, probably," he mumbles.

I raise a brow, holding a hand out for the controller. "Try me."

Several minutes later, Nico stifles a laugh in his palm as I die for the eighth time. "You're supposed to shoot back, you know. Not just run away."

"I know, but I can't focus on shooting and running at the same time!" I'm furiously toggling the controls, at this point just pressing anything. My character dies in a fiery explosion of dismembered limbs, and I throw up my hands. "What the hell?"

Nico's still laughing as he takes the controller. "You just need to practice using the controls. You'll get better in no time."

I smile, settling back on the couch. Now seems like a good time to try and talk to him.

"Hey, is everything okay? You know, with me and Santo..." I flush as he looks at me like a deer in headlights. "I just wanted to make sure that you're okay with everything."

He bites his lip, focusing on the game for a few moments. Then he throws down the controller and faces me with a frown. "It's just... I know how this family works and I'm not sure if you're okay with everything that's happening." He pauses, blushing, and finishes in a mutter so low I can barely hear it, "I think you're cool and I know you didn't want to be involved in all of this in the first place."

Realization dawns on me. "Nico, I really appreciate your concern. Really," I smile as he peers up at me, looking so horrified at what he's just said. "What's happening between me and Santo is... well, I'm not sure it makes sense to either of us, but we both want it."

He nods, looking relieved. "Okay. That's good, I guess."

I hide my smile, seeing that he feels awkward. "Has that kind of thing happened before? Your brothers holding women against their will?"

The prospect fills me with discomfort, yet I understand it's very likely. The mafia might protect their own women and families, but that doesn't mean the rest of them aren't fair game when blood needs to be spilled. 

"We don't try to. There's been no one like... well, like you. After everything with our parents, Simo doesn't tolerate anyone who moves women in this city," Nico declares strongly, proudly. "There are certain things he doesn't allow because of that. But sometimes, it's just business."

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