Chapter Fourteen

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A week later after the incident in a apartment, Dean, Sarah and Sam stop the car and all three of them get out dressed up as they work for an alarm system company, Dean gets his toolbox from the trunk of the car and then the three of them head to the apartment, Sam is the first to speak up and he says, "Alright guys this is the place." Dean wasn't exactly happy with wearing a costume and he speaks up saying, "You know me and Dad we did just fine without these costumes, I feel like a high school dork." He smiles remember something and continues, "Wait what was that play you did? What was it -- Our town yeah, you were good, it was cute." 

Sarah was about to say something but decided against it, then Sam speaks up saying, "Yeah well how else do you think we're gonna get in." They continue walking as Dean says, "Well I'm just saying these costumes cost hard earned money, okay." Sarah smirks and asks, "Whose?" Dean looks over at her saying, "Ours you think card fraud is easy." 

When they arrive inside the apartment Sarah was talking to the landlady and she says, "Thanks for letting us in." The Landlady looks over at Sarah saying, "Yeah well the police said they was done with the place, so...." Sarah and the landlady move further into the room, Dean and Sam behind them Dean was the last in, the guys head straight for the living room and Dean spots some blood on the floor that was covering the carpet, the landlady continues and asks, "You guys say you are from the alarm company?" Dean is the one to answer, "That's right." The landlady says, "Well no offence but your alarm's about as useful as boobs on a man." That causes Sarah to smirk a little but remains professional and then Dean speaks up saying, "Well that's why we are here so it doesn't happen again." Sarah asks her, "Now ma'am you was the one to find the body right?" The Landlady simply says, "Yeah."

Sarah continues and asks her, "Right after it happened?" The Landlady looks over to her and says, "No actually a few days after it happened, Meredith's work called ---- she hadn't shown up and I knocked on her door and that's when I noticed the smell." Dean then stands next to Sarah and asks the Landlady, "Was there any windows open or any sign of a break in?" The Landlady looks over to Dean answering, "No windows was locked, front door was and chain was on the door, we had to cut it just to get in." Dean then asks, "And the alarm was on?" The Landlady looks over to Dean saying, "Like I said bang up job your company's doing." He then asks her another question, "Did you see any overturned furniture, broken glass, any signs of a struggle?" 

She shakes her head and then says, "Everything was in perfect condition well except for Meredith." Sarah this time asks a question, "What condition was Meredith in?" The Landlady turns her attention to Sarah and says, "Meredith she was all over the place in pieces, the guy who killed her must of been some whack job. But if I tell you I didn't know any better then I said it was an animal attack." That causes the three of them to look at each other with concerned expressions on their faces, but Sam was the first to speak up asking the Landlady, "Ma'am would you mind waiting outside whilst we give this place a once over." The Landlady simply looks over to Sam saying, "Yeah sure knock yourself out."

Once the Landlady left the apartment, Sam closes the door behind her and Dean opens his toolbox grabbing the EMF meter saying, "So a killer walks in and out of the apartment --- no prints, no weapons nothing." Sam speaks up saying, "I'm telling you, the minute I found the article I knew this was our type of gig." The EMF Meter beeps frantically which causes Dean to speak up saying, "I think we agree with you on that." They both look over at him looking at the EMF meter, after a while Sarah and Sam was searching around the apartment whilst Dean was on the phone trying to get some information.

Once Dean was off the phone, Sam speaks up and asks him, "So you spoke to the cops, what did they say?" Dean says with a smirk on his face, "Yeah I did, I spoke to Amy a um charming perky officer of the law...." But then he stops himself looking at Sarah he wasn't sure why but he felt bad about what he just said but then he says, "Yeah uh nothing we haven't heard before well they're keeping something out of the newspaper." That catches both Sarah and Sam's attention, Sarah simply says, "Hm?" Dean looks over to her and says, "Heart was missing."

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