Chapter 21

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King's POV

When people use the expression 'all hell broke loose', they usually mean chaos and havoc ensued. But I have been in hell, or somewhere that was close enough, so you can trust me when I say that if all hell broke loose, it would be quiet.

We sat in a boat. All of us. Literally shipped off to what Eustace is calling murder island. It was so silent. Our futile attempts of gaining control of our lives were mocking us, no one could speak. Havoc and chaos brimmed in secret, no longer restrained by their barriers. They broke loose.

Bes was hiding in the boat, I imagined he stayed where we stashed him, but it wouldn't matter regardless because we didn't know anyone on the boat and they didn't know us, he could have easily blended in as one of the team and no one would know.

-------------------10 hours earlier -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Team, we are going on a recon mission, well by we I do mean you, but I will accompany you halfway" Blake cheerily voiced. It was 7 am and we were all awoken by an obnoxiously loud knock. I wonder why he is so happy, maybe he finally gets to kill us.

"It should be 24 hours max so pack some extra clothes. We will first be stopping in France then Spain to stock weapons and other personnel, this is where I will be leaving you, you will journey to the island after that. Any questions?" Blake looked around the room, watching all our crest fallen faces as we slouched on the couch. "No? good" with that he walked out the house, not before shouting we have 1 hour to pack and be ready for the car to pick us up.

After packing and being picked up and taken to an airport, we got on a private jet, headed straight to France, we were picking up some personnel there too. We were picking some personnel of our own. In the car, I managed to contact Besloe – don't ask me how – and asked him if he knew anything about the empire.

Perfide worked with a bunch of people, they would be hired when they needed our killing services. Don't get me wrong, us kids weren't paid, but our services were expensive to the person who required us. Besloe was in Perfide for a vey long time, longer than I was. He was older too, so understood more things that I might've missed when I was younger.

He responded and told me he would meet me in France. So, obviously, as soon as we arrived Tyro and I stowed away to meet our brother, well his real brother, my honorary brother. He told us that he had a hunch he knew exactly what the place was. Any reasonable person would've immediately told Blake, but we are all crazy here. We hid Bes and sneaked back on the plane that would take us to Spain.

After we boarded a ship in Spain, destination: murder island, we had finally ditched Blake and alerted our teammates of Besloe's presence.


We sauntered to where Besloe was hiding, assuming he stayed there. "I was wondering when you would come free me from this cramped space" Besloe muttered when he saw our figures approaching. "Hey Bes!" Stace cheered, somehow befriending the man she met once briefly, "hey Stace" Besloe replied, with a smile on his face and soft look in his eyes.

I have never seen this before.

Dax looked between them with a perplexed expression but ultimately shrugged his shoulders and greeted Bes too. It seems the lab rat can instinctively smell rivalry but doesn't know what to do with the information yet.

Like a man-baby.

"So, Bes, are you going to tell us what you think this island is?",curiosity was eating me from the inside out. "Not yet, not until I'm sure".

"Do we have a plan or are we about to die a stupid death?" Amo asked, I wanted to roll my eyes at their delusions and optimism. I peered over at Tyro, watching him intensely roll his eyes, like you would when a kid asked you why the sky is blue. "let's play it by ear" Domo mused, smiling at Amo's strange humor.

They are perfect for each other.

It's a shame that they probably won't have long together. I would tell them to live without regrets and be with who they wanted, but they would look at me strange and tell me to focus on survival.

Everyone is so concerned with surviving but not living. You could barely call that a life.

I used to be like that, breathing not living, then one day I died and the first thing I saw when I awoke was Tyro's furious expression; for some strange reason, it felt like the burden of surviving had been removed, like my debt was paid, because I suddenly started to live. 

Tyro taught me how to live, even if it was by calling me foolish as soon as I came to. He was  and is the prime example of not living in fear, but giving in to our own desires no matter how unconventional they seem to be.

We got back on the deck, taking Besloe with us. He blended in – just as I suspected.

"We dock in an hour, be ready" a man told us, a sneer on his face and resent in his eyes. Well at least we don't need to worry about them underestimating us. They know what we have done.

"Wow, what's stuck up his butt?" Dax murmured, Stace stifled her laughter with her hand and Besloe side eyed the situation.

Author, if you make this a love triangle, I will find you! [A/N: Sorry King].

"King, can I talk to you for a second?" Tyro stated, yes – stated – not asked. 

What a brat.

 "What do you want Tanya?", "I have something for you", Tyro reached his hand into his backpack and produced a weird device. "Aw! A present for me?" I asked, sarcasm lacing my tone like poison laces a blade. "Keep it on you at all times, and if you are in trouble press the red button" he insisted. To the untrained eye, some would say he was worried about me. But I'm smarter than that. "I can handle myself you know" I voiced whilst pocketing the small device. "I'm not talking about that situation, I'm talking about when you have no choice", his tone was strange. Scary, almost. That's coming from someone who scarcely gets scared.

"What will it do?", "Send an electric current through your body and temporarily make you appear dead" his face was straight as he spoke the daunting words. 

And you lot thought he was worried about me.

I understand what no choice means now. "It's probably fair to say that I have PTSD regarding electrics, so I doubt I would use it" I responded, looking anywhere but his eyes, praying that he didn't see right through my lie. "Don't make me laugh, if it was that easy for you to get PTSD, you would stay away from those throwing knives that you seem to always be clutching", with that he walked away.

Like he was never there. Like the conversation never happened.

I would say he is a strange man but that would be insulting to strange people. He is just Tironai, his own special strain of freak. But I guess I am too.

Don't say it. Don't say it. [A/N: Perfect for each other]

 Tyro knows when I'm lying. He reads me too well. That might become a problem.


Hey!!! This is the author. Now, I know you must be wondering what all these author interactions are, but you can just pretend I am her subconscious because let's not lie, King is the type of crazy to talk to herself/her other personality (me) in her head. 

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