Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Fay stood at her kitchen window with her journal still in her hands, staring out at her childhood home, Calvin's School for troubled Young. When her new friend and partner walked into their apartment. "Fay, I found the perfect job for us. One that will get us out of this hellhole for good."

Fay and her partner Kaylynn did odd jobs for different crime lords. Neither of them liked it, but this was how their world worked. If you were anything other than human, it was almost impossible to get anywhere in the world. Unless you were committing crimes for those that had been around long enough to make a name for themselves.

Fay's partner reminded her of Kayla, so much that she had to wonder if she was Kayla in disguise. That was also a part of their world; Magic and disguises, you never really knew who someone was unless they decided to tell you. Fay gave her partner a tired smile, "What's the job? Who is it for?"

She gave Fay a wicked grinn as she tightened her ponytail. "The two of us will be acting as students at one of the Elvin boarding schools here in town. Two of Callen Micollie's charges have disappeared from the school, and he wants to know what happened to them. One is believed to be dead, and the other is a runaway."

Fay closed her eyes as she rubbed her temple, Kaylynn, do you realize who Callen Micollie is?"

Kaylynn shrugged, "The one that's going to get us out of this shitty place!"

Fay shook her head. "No, he is one of the most dangerous males of the Elvin species, next to the King himself. If you betray him or back out of a job before it's done, you disappear, and once we work for him, we don't work for anyone else. You want us to take a job for the High Prince of Elves!" Fay sighed as she grabbed her jacket and satchel, "I have to get to work. Rue and Aien are expecting me tonight. They have some kind of huge meeting."

Kaylynn licked her lips, as she held her hands out, "It's one job and a nice place to stay. Our tuition will be paid at this school all the way through college. We will be able to come and go as we please, as long as we get the information on his charges. And, so what if we end up only working for him, at least it will get us somewhere. I mean, have you ever heard of one of his people living in a place like this." She looked a Fay pleadingly, "You wont have to work so many jobs anymore and you can bring your son to the school."

Fay licked her lips as she headed to the door, "I cant, I wish I could take this job, or that I could at least explain why, but I can't take that job."

Kaylynn nodded. "I get it, but I am still going to the meet and greet. I can't pass this up. I will see you at the tavern later."

Fay nodded, "Let me know how it goes, oh and Kaylynn, please be careful. Callen Micollie is not someone that you want to fuck with."

Fay made her way out of the apartment and down the hall just as her new neighbors stepped out of their apartment. They nodded to each other but didn't speak as Fay pulled her hood up and walked out the front door. She walked the two blocks to the Tavern. She hoped that it would be a good night, and that Rue would actually pay the extra money for her coming in on her night off, and leaving her apartment on the anniversery of her brothers death. It seemed like bad things happened on the aniversery when she left her apartment. So on that one day every year Fay locked herself in her apartment, and refused to leave for any reason. When she walked into the Tavern Rue and Aien were speaking with the small staff that would be working that night. Rue nodded to Fay. "You wont be here as a bar tender tonight. We need security, the group that's coming in, can take care of themselves. But you are good at seeing things that most don't. Look for anyone acting strange or out of character."

Fay cocked her head to the side, "I wont know if they are acting out of character Rue, I don't know these people. And this isnt what I agreed to."

Rue was the only one other than Mac and Jake that knew who Fay really was. He laughed as she crossed her arms giving him a hard glare. "Fay, you do know these people, because they are your people. I am not going to out you, I get why you havent faced your family. I know what happened but you are the only one that can see through their bullshit. Stay in the back ground, and simply keep an eye on them."

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