Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Fay was still in shock over what Callen has said to Vane an hour after they left for the cabin. They had known where she was and had never said a word. They let her live-in fear, yet they could have come and got her at any time. She took a deep breath as she wondered if maybe this was all apart of the act, but if it was, how did they know about Jacob. And he was right Beth had been at the safe house when she dropped him off. Then there was the fact that Kayla helped them and acted like it was nothing. She spun around in her seat and faced Kayla, "Why didn't you tell me what was going on?"

"I wanted to, but I had to be absolutely sure that you would come with me. Please believe me when I say that there was no other way." Kayla shook her head, "Of course you're not going to believe me, no one ever does."

Fay didn't know what to believe, so she stayed quiet until they pulled up to the cabin that Prince Micollie said her Uncle Calvin would be at. The Prince also said that her parents would be there. But she didn't think that she would believe that if they were standing in front of her. Her parents dropped her in Calvin's lap, and she never heard from them after that. She turned to the prince, "Who's Cabin is this anyway?"

When he didn't say anything, she started to think that he wasn't going to answer her question. Then he gave her the usual answer, "You will see soon enough."

Torrin frowned as he opened his door, "Do you need anything else from us, sir?"

"No, thank you though, we should be just fine. I don't believe that these two are going to be a problem." He turned to them, "Are you going to be a problem?"

Torrin laughed as Kayla shook her head no, "There won't be a problem."

Fay glared at Kayla, "You better bet, there's going to be problems, especially if I don't see my uncle within the next five minutes!"

Prince Micollie raised an eyebrow at Fay, "What happened to you? Child, you used to be the most polite and easy-going person that I knew. Now you're all ... Mouthy!"

Kayla smirked at him, "I think that you mean pissy."

"Kayla, I know what I meant." He shook his head, "Never mind, just follow me." He led both females to the house by their arms. He didn't trust either one not to take off on him. They went through a vast foyer and straight to a conference room. "Stay here and try not to get into trouble while I'm gone."

Fay gave him a sweet smile, "Like Kayla said, we won't be any trouble."

He glared at Fay, causing her to drop the grin as she backed farther into the room. "When Kayla says that I worry. When you say that, I get scared, terrified actually because I never know what's going to happen."

Fay knew that Micollie didn't know her that well, there was no way that he could. What he said got her to wondering just who he was when he wasn't busy playing the high prince. "Well, then you have a fifty-fifty chance of us both being alive when you return."

Kayla gave him a wicked grin, "even less of a chance of the room still being intact."

He laughed at them, "It's not my house, so I don't care as long as your both still alive."

Kayla laughed, "Well, you will just have to wait and see. But I'm pretty sure that whoever owns this place won't be too happy and you will have to deal with them."

"Would you shut up already!" Fay wanted to wring Kayla's neck.

Kayla held her hand up, telling Fay to wait. "Now, if you will let us go after we talk to the Michaels. I will promise to be a lady and not touch a single thing in this beautifully decorated room."

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