˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙐𝘼 𝙎𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙁𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡 PT4˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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I wanted to wait for Ochaco to wake back up, but Recovery Girl said that she was going to wake up soon, but my match might come sooner so I should just wait back in the stands. I walked out and saw Bakugou hanging around the hallway.

"Hey Bakugou, what are you doing out here? I thought you would have been back up in the stands already." He scoffed and turned away from me before walking back to the stands. I ran to catch up with him. We walked silently back to the stands, he just wasn't one for making conversation.

We got back and saw Kaminari and Sero waving us over, although they might have been waving ME over, "Hey (L/n), hey Bakugou! Playing the villain aren't you Bakugou? Must have been tough." Sero said in a mocking tone.

"Even is it was just because of who you were up against, you did make a pretty convincing bad guy!" Tsu said with a smile, she also waved towards me.

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS! OR ELSE!" Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets and sat back in his seat from earlier, in the top row with me following him.

"For real dude. I don't know how you were able to aim a powerful blast at a frail girl like that. I couldn't help but hold back against Shiozaki." Kaminari leaned back in his chair, acting a little smug.

"Kaminari...She totally wiped you out EASILY." I shoved his head off the back of his seat.

"CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME HAVE THIS?!?" He whipped his head around, clutching onto the back of the seat...pouting like a toddler.

"I definitely wouldn't call that girl frail." He gave a glare towards Kaminari, so death piercing I was a little scared.

The match going on currently was between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. They were having an arm wrestling match. Kirishima won, and our entire class cheered!...Except for Bakugou, but he clapped a little.

Ochaco came back to the stands, I could see her eyes were a bit puffy. Her mom had texted me saying what happened, and how she had called her dad and started crying. I knew how much her parents meant to her, and she was going to make sure she could help them out. She came and sat by me, and I had Iida come sit on the other side of her. Kirishima was probably going to sit by Bakugou when he came up.

"Let's go Midoriya!" Ochaco cheered as he walked out. I cheered for him too since I wasn't close to either him or Todoroki, but Ochaco was so I followed her lead.

"Hey (L/n), how do you think this match is going to go?" Iida asked me.

"Umm, I think Todoroki might win? Depends on if Midoriya can dodge that crazy ice!" I wasn't too torn on the outcome of this match, I knew Todoroki was going to be the one who prevails.

"Yeah...That's the problem." Ochaco sighed, "I mean, how is Deku going to avoid the ice?"

Todoroki started with a huge ice attack, to which Midoriya instantly used his super power....wind? to stop it. It forced all the cold wind from the attacks into the stands, it felt like we were in the negatives! Ochaco and I held onto each other for warmth.

This happen again and again, and the second time being worse with the chunks of ice reaching the stands. Kirishima ended up blocking us to prevent us getting injured the moment he reached the stands...well at least me and Ochaco. Iida politely declined, and he didn't try with Bakugou.

"Hey Kirishima!! Nice job on making it to the second round!" Kaminari congratulated him.

"Thanks man! Looks like I take down Bakugou next." He smiled

"I'll kill you." Bakugou said without taking his eyes off the match.

He sat down next to Bakugou, "It's crazy how you and Todoroki both have moves that blast the whole stadium!" He was using his hands to talk and it was the cutest thing ever, "Must be pretty nice!" Kirishima didn't have any ill intent behind his comment, Sero on the other hand...

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